Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Big Gold Cat

Nearby where we live, there is a house that has a huge gold cat in front of it. The cat is there all the time and is gold. And the owners dress the cat for each season!! Here it is for Easter.
     And for summer,wearing a Hawaiian outfit with a shell bra, lei, and grass skirts.
 For Fall, she sports a necklace of acorns and a leaf tiara.
               And a Santa hat at Christmas time.
                    She also has this cute little buddy to keep her company, and I have also seen a metal mouse or two as well
Yes, it is fun to drive past Big Gold Cat, you never know when she may have a new outfit!

                                   "Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you?" ~ Rumi

                                  “As gold comes from the northern mountains, so a terrible beauty streams from God.”
                                    Job 37


Nortehanon said...

It must be fun to anticipate what the golden cat will be wearing each season that comes. The owner must be proud of his or her cat being an attraction :-)

Unknown said...

I want to live in your neighborhood Ginny, it's so interesting and fun! Of course, you have the eyes to see what so many would miss!

Reanaclaire said...

The cat looks cute enough.. Interesting..

MastHoliday said...

Interesting post! golden cat, it just amazing.....

Tamago said...

Oh this is so cute! What a fun to decorate the kitty with these outfit. The shell bra is just too cute :-) On my way from work, there is s house that decorates garden tree with seasonal items. On Valentine's Day, the trees were decorated with hearts. It's always fun to pass by that house :-)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny thanks for comments on yesterday post, check out my post today as your question will be answered! This is an interesting cat although i prefer the crouched down.

From the Kitchen said...

I'm beginning to wonder about you Virginians!! =)


Hootin Anni said...

You must live in such a wonderful area...there is always so much fun things you find and share with us.

I could say that is "one big pussy" but I won't.

Love how they dress it up for the seasons, and the mini-companions.

Alice said...

Love the Rumi quote. I've never seen anything like that cat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like BGC dressed for Fall and with that adorable Santa hat... love her buddy even more that the cat... it is a wonderful world and you captured part of it for us to see... maybe i need a big gold dog.. BOL

DawnTreader said...

Things like that always make me wonder "why". Or "how". How does one come up with the idea in the first place?

Mary Bergfeld said...

Too funny! Who ever would have thought a gold cat with a wardrobe was possible, much less a reality. Her owners must be interesting people :-). Have a wonderful day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well, if I had to have a big gold statue in my yard, I think I'd pick a cat every time. I am a cat person, after all.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

THIS is awesome. Where in the world does one get something like that?? I love it :)

RoeH said...

I love it. I want it. :)

Ruth Kelly said...

How funny! There are people in our town who decorate the cemetery stones for every holiday, too.

Linda said...

How sweet is this, Ginny? This is a great conversation piece. Love it!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The golden cat they love to decorate is making me wonder how many real ones they have inside? Interesting.

Z@KickingKilos said...

Wow...I think u sure have some interesting neighbors.

I like the Hawaii style one a lot.

Filip and Kristel said...

The cat is certainly big. Have never seen such a statue in a private garden.


Rose said...

Oh, my goodness! This is wonderful! That is just the greatest idea. I can just see Sarah and Lorelei doing something like that. And I should with all the cats I have.

Marie said...

I'm with Sandra...I need a Big Gold Dog! :) I just love the acorns necklace! You have the most interesting yard decor around you! So glad you share it!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my gosh, Ginny I'm in love with that gold cat. The way they decorated it for the seasons is so cute. I'm glad you showed a close up of the little cat, I was wondering what that was.

By the way, your post is purrfect for today. Happy World Cat Day!

Ann said...

well I wonder what the story is behind the big gold cat. It's rather cute and very festive

LV said...

I can appreciate what they are doing. I once had a little dog similar and it was stolen. My sister had given it to me with cloths for every holiday.

ruthinian said...

That's very interesting. I love the verse you had here by Rumi. It's so true.

Chatty Crone said...

Well we know it is not real gold - but it sure is fun to see things like that to brighten our day!

Dee said... the cat and all the outfits...see.... You have neighbors much like mine :)


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...