Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Short Sick Leave

Hi everyone!!! Last night, I spent twelve hours in the E.R. After a scan and other tests, the doctors determined that beside having MRSA, my diverticulitis has returned, and may have spread to a wider area. So now I am taking two antibiotics, a nausea drug, and pain medicine. Each time the diverticulitis comes back, it raises the odds for colon surgery. Anyway, I will be taking a short break until I start to feel better. I hope I will be back very soon, LOVE you guys!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Praying that you will be better soon.

Filip and Kristel said...

Get better soon, all the best.


S. Etole said...

Prayers for comfort and a quick recovery.

Terra said...

First of all, I must tell you I adore those fall leaves, they look like Japanese maples.
Prayers for your recovery.
"For I will restore your health and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord." Jeremiah 30:17

Chatty Crone said...

I have been worrying and praying since I read about your infection yesterday. Now are you have the other. I am so mad because you have had enough. Well take care and don't worry about a thing. Just get well!
Love and hugs, sandie

Gail said...

Healing thoughts flying your way.

Linda said...

Sending you much love and hugs, dear Ginny. Will be praying for you.

From the Kitchen said...

More prayer coming your way my friend.


Jeanne said...

Oh no! Praying for a speedy recovery Ginny. You take care and get well soon!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Praying for you, Ginny... Hope you feel much better soon.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Praying now, love you sis

Andrea said...

Praying for you, Ginny, and hope you are feeling better soon.

My Mom (RIP) had diverticuli (found it from a case of diverticulitis) but she managed it successfully for decades without further problem.

She took Metamucil twice a day (morning & night... without fail) and she also avoided any foods with little seeds (tomatoes, strawberries, buns with sesame seeds on top, etc.)... in other words, any foods that contain substances that might get lodged in one of the pockets of diverticuli.

She also strictly stayed away from caffeine & soda pop. Both those things her doctor told her would play a death knell for her colon & problem.

I mention those things in case they might help. You don't have to have surgery for diverticuli but you must be strict about the things you ingest if you want to avoid it.

I will be praying!!

Love~ Andrea

Reanaclaire said...

God be with you, Ginny! Get well soon..

Tamago said...

Ginny, I keep praying for you. Please take good care of your self, rest a lot...and I hope you will get better soon.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh no Ginny I am so sorry to hear this. I sincerely hope you feel better soon!! Can't wait for your return.

Alice said...

Oh my goodness Ginny, I'm so sorry! You are one tough chic:) Get better soon.

Donna said...

My neighbor just yesterday was rushed to the ER with this!!
They had to do the surgery...bagged for at least 6 months! His ruptured. He didn't do like the doctors told him to do with his diet...
Hope and praying you'll be up in no time!!

Magia da Inês said...


Espero que você esteja bem.
A foto está muito bonita.

Boa semana!
¸.°º✿♫ •°

Marie said...

I'll keep you in my prayers and thoughts! I'm sure you're in good hands. :)

Karin said...

Ginny, may the Lord touch you and heal you! It's horrible to hear of all you are going through. Get well!!

Cindy said...

Wishing and hoping you are feeling better fast. Sending prayers your way. Hope all goes well, rest and offer this up to the Lord. Just get better :-)

Ann said...

Thinking of you and sending lots of healing prayers your way

Shug said... sorry Ginny. Hope you feel better real soon. Take care and just rest..

Gorgeous photo.

LC said...

I am so sorry you are facing such conditions. I am praying.

Joanne said...

Oh Ginny I am so sorry! I'll be here praying that the meds take care of the infection and the nausea. Feel better soon!
Blessings, Joanne

photowannabe said...

Speedy recovery Ginny.

LV said...

Ginny, so very sorry you are having some bad times. Trust things greatly improve soon. I certainly will miss you and look forward to your return. Take care dear lady, we will be waiting for your return. May the good bless and keep you.

DawnTreader said...

That sounds awful, Ginny. I do hope the antibiotics and other medicines have started to kick in. I know it must all be draining you of energy though... You're in my thoughts! ♥

Hootin Anni said...

I haven't been reading my blog list the last few days and just now noticed you're on 'sick leave'.

Dear dear Ginny...I hope by now that your health is improving!!! You'll be in my thoughts and hoping for you to return soon.

Get well.

Small Kucing said...

soory to hear this. A speedy recovery to you

Unknown said...

By short sick leave, I suppose you mean the blog and work. Don't rush your recovery so you can avoid complications. Plan your diet, and avoid fiber. I hope you get well soon, Ginny! Karina@ US Health Works

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Hope it goes away soon

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...