Thursday, October 10, 2013

Flesh Eating

Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching? ~Dennis and Wendy Mannering

My doctor called me on Monday; that is never good. She said I have the flesh eating bacteria, also known as MRSA. Apparently when the cross eyed resident cauterized my nose, the bacteria grew from that.  It would make a dandy Stephen King movie. I know you are thinking "Oh NO, not her nose yet again!" Sorry. A few days later, I got a big packet in the mail on how to disinfect everything. In a nutshell, I should burn the house down and soak in a vat of bleach. Now since I am too sick to do all this, and no maid in her right mind would enter my house, how is that gonna happen? Phil will also need to get tested, as it is extremely contagious. They don't seen to care about me being among people in the real world, but if I set foot inside the hospital they will admit and quarantine me. What ever happened to the good old days when the town crier would tack a quarantine paper onto your front door? And then the locals would come with, wait, I have my movies confused. So for now I am on strong antibiotics and washing with a potion to keep it from spreading. Such is life.

“We didn’t sit around on our hands expecting others to take care of us. In fact, we worked our fingers to the bone, up half the night moonlighting so you wouldn’t be burdened with taking care of us. ..We simply wanted to provide an example of diligence, hoping it would prove contagious.”
2 Thessalonians 3


Ann said...

oh Ginny that sounds just awful. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
I'm assuming that you and the cross eyed resident will not be best friends :)

Cindy said...

Ginny this is not good news at all. I'm so sorry to hear. Sometimes it never ends. Try not to get discouraged and don't burn the house down. Sending prayers your way for strength, in the meantime get well also.

Andrea said...

Ginny, how terrible!! Hopefully Mr. Cross-Eyed Resident hears this news & will do a better job of hand washing in the future... or somebody will do SOMETHING better, so this does not spread from patient to patient, as it has already started to.

So unnecessary... and such a shame you have to suffer like this.

I'd put up a quarantine sign on my door myself. Keep away... unless you're here to clean!!

Prayers~ Andrea

RoeH said...

Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry. Start praying soon, everybody. I don't even know what you mean by cross-eyed resident. That's how in the dark that I am on things like this. Please please....get better. :(

Alice said...

I'm so sorry Ginny! My sister is a nurse and has told me about MRSA. I hope the medicine works soon and that Phil is not infected as well.

From the Kitchen said...

Oh Ginny! I'm so sorry. If good humor helps, you will be o.k.! In the meantime, take that medication exactly as directed. I'm saying a prayer for you and Phil.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh Ginny I am so so sorry to read this! I hope you have a quick and speedy recovery.

Mary Bergfeld said...

How dreadful, Ginny. Follow your doctor's orders to a tee and know we are keeping you and Phil in our thoughts and prayers. You are due some really good luck. Blessings...Mary

Hootin Anni said...

I wasn't really sure I wanted to click on "Flesh Eating" in my blog list, but here I am. Now, I'm sure to have nightmares!!

But, in all seriousness Ginny, I hope this goes away and you recover. Being contagious, I hope the rest of your family is 'germ' free!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nothing you wrote can scare me more than the second photo of your nose being eaten by the flesh eater.. yikes and yikes again. so sorry you have the dreaded will your girls have to stay away for awhile? when bob had it i went through many cans of lysol spray, and i did not get it.
be careful where you go and who you see. the flu season has struck here like a mad dog.. Renee teaches kindergarten, they have 52 students, they only had 26 in school because the rest were out with the flu along with half the teachers, it is in our public school and you are AT RISK so stay away from any and everyone to protect them and yourself... soooooo sorry

Ruth Kelly said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you this day.

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my prayers sweet ginny, you have suffered so much lately, surely this is the last bad news, all good from here on out!

Tamago said...

Oh no this is terrible news. I am so sorry, Ginny. I hope this will be treated soon and you will make full recovery. I'm sending prayers and warm thoughts to you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH My Goodness, Ginny---I am so sorry. That sounds horrible. I hope that Phil doesn't get it ---and your family and those adorable girls. God Bless. I will pray that you will get WELL soon...
Hugs and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Glad you at least have a nice sense of humor if not smell, about all of this. You are in my prayers! Have a better weekend!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh dear Ginny....MRSA is serious....I hate you have to deal with it after all you have been through

S. Etole said...

Hoping you will soon be well once again. That Mannering quote is a good one.

Melanie said...

Oh, wow, I'm so sorry! I'm praying for you, Ginny!! Hope you feel better very soon.

Linda said...

Ginny, this is not good, dear friend. I am praying for you...sending you a hug.

Chatty Crone said...

Wait a minute - this can't be true. You have MRSA? I just wrote to you and everything was fine. How did you get it? The person testing your nose gave it to you from cauterizing your nose to stop it from bleeding? You didn't have it before? Oh my gosh I hate this for you.
When did they test you for this and what made them think of testing you - were you having a problem?
So you have to clean your house and you feel sick? And you have to protect Phil and the girls I'm sure. Gosh you have just had your share of troubles and illnesses. Did this have anything to do with your fall?

Prayers and hugs,

Ruth Hiebert said...

THis is not good news. I trust that with the right meds and careful precautions it will under control.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my gosh Ginny, that is bad news. How could this happen. Maybe the cross-eyed resident needs to go back to school. We hope the tests come back clear for everyone else. At least you still have your sense of humor.

Donna said...

Oh nooo...Feel better Soon!

DawnTreader said...

Oh Ginny, feeling so sorry for you... I do hope the antibiotics do their job quickly and stop the nasty thing from spreading! And 'they' really should have sent someone to help with disinfecting your home, not just instructions!

Your story reminds me a bit of when I got chicken pox as an adult, living alone (I never had it as a child). Ir was not all that bad, but I was contageous, after a week I needed a doctor's certificate to prove it (I was not allowed to go to work yet, but also not allowed to stay off work without a certificate). However, my health care centre would not receive me. The infection unit at the hospital would have done so; but I was not allowed to go there by bus or to take a taxi; and there was no one to drive me! Luckily I remembered seeing an ad in the paper for a private team of doctors who made housecalls (this was about 25 years ago); so in the end I had to pay extra for a visit from one of them.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Ginny! I'm so sorry to hear this. You have had such a time. Praying that your body will be very responsive to the medication.

Reanaclaire said...

Never heard of this before, Ginny.. so sorry to know this is happening to you.. take care and God bless you in your treatment!

LC said...

More prayers.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I hope the m eds work quickly and you are back out taking fall photos and playing with grandkids soon!

Rose said...

Ginny, you seem to handle all this with such a light heart...and here I whine about a cold/sinus infection! Oh, I do know that I am blessed that nothing worse is wrong...but I just have to whine every now and then and you never seem to do that.

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