Thursday, October 31, 2013


Hi, this is Simba, and I have taken over mommy's blog to show you the latest atrocity she has done! The other day, Sunny and I were both peacefully sleeping. When we woke up, look at the things Mommy did to us!!! She has stolen our dignity and made us look like idiots!! Mommy also had the small human over tonight, but would not let us see her! They put us in the basement, and I am sure it is because they were eating those fancy cupcakes mommy was decorating. We did not even get a CRUMB!! It is a terrible lie that chocolate is bad for cats, do not believe those vets! They just want it all for themselves. I guess mommy will post the small human and her costume tomorrow. In the meantime, all you cats out there had better hide when you seep! Or else you will become idiots like us!!

“Because of you I look like an idiot, I walk around ashamed to show my face.”
Psalm 69


Reanaclaire said...

LOL.. you are really hilarious, Ginny! You made them look so cute! I am sure you will leave some crumbs for them!

Ann said...

the worst part is that they try to pass all this stuff off as being for your own good. Us dogs go through the same thing with those darn humans.
Your pal Duke

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny What are you doing to your poor cats!! First shots show they are not idiots!

From the Kitchen said...

Don't worry, Simba and Sunny! I've notified the Sullied Siamese Society of the Shenandoah. They should be at your door to rescue you two soon. I hear they bring chocolate.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww, my Katie gets banished to her room when the grands come over. She is just not kid friendly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't worry kitties, i saw in comments Bonnie has reported this alleged abuse to the proper authorities... i must say you both look wonderful in the first photo and oh so sweet, and i can't imagine why you would be sent to the basement.. MOL... your costumes are a winner.

Hootin Anni said...

rofl!!! Oh Ginny, you and your kitties made me laugh.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Very cute. Also, I love your header!

Alice said...

Yes, I want to see the small human in her costume:)

Filip and Kristel said...

Strange title, I was already wondering. The cats look cute.


Rose said...

Hahaha! I talked to Lorelei just a minute last night...she heard Bubbie meow in the background and it was "WHO is that MEOWING?" I said it was Bubbie...she said "I LOVE Bubbie" and she does...

Ruth Kelly said...

I am that your cats would be upset to see what you did. The red hair tops it!

Marie said...

too funny!

Tamago said...

LOL! Looks like your mom is being silly and having fun with you! Well good news is you didn't have to actually wear these things :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

So cute! LOL! I laughed when I read about being banished to the basement. That's where my kitties have to go quite often!

photowannabe said...

Too funny Ginny.
Love the cat philosophy.

photowannabe said...

Ginny, the berries are Piracantha sp??.
You can find them in yellows to deep reds. they are often used in wreaths. It seems Robins love them and can get quite drunk and loopy from eating them.

George said...

Mommy sure did a number on you, Simba. I think the least she could do is let you have a crumb from those cupcakes to make up for it.

Terra said...

Oh you dear kitties, you have been roundly abused!

LC said...

Thanks for great moments of Halloween hilarity!

Linda said...

Ginny, I love your sense of humour...what a sweet and amusing post. Love the photos!

Chatty Crone said...

Your kitties are sooooooooooo cute - I love the way you decorated them!

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Simba and Sunny. It too late for us, momma dressed us up for Halloween. It was so embarrassing. We agree with you on the chocolate myth, it's so they can get all the goodies. We have to go to the bedroom when the chocolate cookies are being eaten. It stinks!

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Unknown said...

Haha, too cute! Animals certainly become part of the family, don't they? These two look like they're quite well-loved despite this mistreatment :)

DawnTreader said...

I hope she managed to magic you back to normal after the evening was over! :)

Bobbie said...

Aww... but you look so cute ;-) Mommy did a good job...

Cindy said...

Too funny, the nerve putting them in the basement and not feeding them cupcakes, you need to make up for that one. They look very happy to me

Mersad said...

Very funny!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, That wascally rabbit and side-kick with the orange locks is really funny! Glad you only did this virtually (I love cats!). Have an excellent Wed. tomorrow!

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...