Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mystery Trip

We are back at home tonight
We drove home in the early light.
We got a lot of rest while gone
But are still tired and kind of wan.
Use these pictures as your clue.
And here's one more; the word is glue.
When we got home we were a mess
So play my game and take a guess.


Ann said...

I still have no idea but I'm pretty sure it wasn't something fun. Glad you're back home safe and sound

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hmmmm looks like some sort of EKG machine??

CalamityJr said...

I was thinking the EKG as well. Maybe an overnight sleep test?

Alice said...

I am thinking sleep test, too, but glue?

From the Kitchen said...

An EEG? Your drive was back over the mountain? Whatever, I hope you are o.k.. I'll be up early tomorrow for the answer!!


Rose said...

I am afraid to know the answer...

Hootin Anni said...

ER....sleep apnea? Testing? It could be a slew of things happening...just hope everyone is okay after this.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never seen any of these before, and it has to be health related testing and looks like no fun was had on your trip.... waiting and not patiently

Donna said...

sleep machine thingy?Hahaaa...no clue about the glue...

Reanaclaire said...

I also dont have a clue
Even when you said it has glue
I only wish you are alright
And here I am wishing you good night..

Ruth Kelly said...

ONe looks like a calculator but the rest are totally unfamiliar to me.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay my guess is something for your breathing!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am terrible at guessing games,so I won't even try. What I do know is that a gorgeous new purse arrived in my mailbox yesterday.I was very excited to open the package. Thanks,Ginny for picking my name.I will be using this purse proudly.

Tamago said...

Wait, glue? I'm more confused, now :-) It looks like you were at clinic based on these equipments...but still not sure.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny The MDrive is a communication unit that relays information between a bedside unit and compatible
polysomnography (PSG) software for the purposes of a sleep study.

Filip and Kristel said...

hm, looks very complicated. Good that you are back home. All the best.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I would guess medical something....get some rest now

Unknown said...

You are such a tease! I don't know but I'll be waiting to find out.

Linda said...

I have no clue, Ginny, but the guesses here have been an interesting read. :) I love your header!!!

Shug said...

so....you had a sleep apnea test? They use a form of adhesive to glue the wires to your head...
Please tell me I'm right...
My husband is having one done tonight...
hope all is well..

SquirrelQueen said...

I think it has to do with sleep testing too. But I don't get the connection to glue. Unless maybe they glued you to the bed, LOL!

Cindy said...

My only guess with glue,
or maybe I don't have a good clue,
But if I had to guess,
First I'd say you are blessed,
to be back home and in a mess,
As for my guess,
It looks like an air pressure test.

Did you blow a hole in it the tube and have to glue it?

Small Kucing said...

Not something to do with hospital is it??

Terra said...

All I could tell was it is health related like a hospital room, but someone commented sleep study, and I think she is correct.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...