Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hands Down

This is what I saw when we walked into our local Subway last week. The Diabetes Hands foundation is raising money. See the blood drop on the finger from testing? I believe you donate, then you can write your name on a hand and hang it on the wall. A good way to raise money for sure! Diabetes Hands never wants any diabetic to feel alone. Neither does God. Our lives are literally in His hands.

“But even if mothers forget, I’d never forget you—never. Look, I've written your names on the backs of my hands.”

Isaiah 49


DeniseinVA said...

Applauding Subway, I know a few people who have to deal with diabetes. This makes for a very colorful decor. Great pictures Ginny!

Ann said...

I thought that was wallpaper before I read your post. Good for Subway lending a hand

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Seeing all those hands makes me smile because it means a lot of people donated.

Hootin Anni said...

...and here near our home, Bud and I both have a 'hanging hand' on the wall!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

super idea and it looks like many people donated... i thought it was wallpaper until i read the post...

From the Kitchen said...

I like this idea better than the bucket of ice water over the head for raising money.


Anonymous said...

Since John is diabetic, I really appreciate Subway doing this - thanks for sharing about the "hands." Looks just like wallpaper.

Lady Jane said...

I thought it wallpaper also. Wow, look at all those donations. That is a wonderful undertaking.

Tamago said...

You always find something amazing! The wall decorated with those helping hands look beautiful!

Chatty Crone said...

Have you heard of that Ice Bucket being dropped over someone's head for ALS I believe they have made a ton of money. I do wish that they would discover a cure for diabetes.

George said...

It looks as if this has been a wondrously successful fund-raising effort. You should be proud of your community.

Marie said...

It's good to see that so many people are giving. :)

Lady Jane said...

you are the very nicest lady!!!

Rose said...

Wow! I thought at first glance that that was the actual wall and I wondered how they could stand to look at that all day!

I have not seen these 'hands' yet.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

A fun way to get donations :-)

photowannabe said...

Very clever way to raise some money.
Hands...I'm so glad I fit and am in the palm of His hand.

Small Kucing said...

You had me there...was kinda shocked to see so many hands in the header.

Over here we have the "mighty" hand. Anything ..just "talk to the hands". When crossing the street...hold up a hand and the traffic will stop for you LOL

Angie said...

Such a good cause
I have a cousin who is young and has diabetes. It's a terrible thing to have to deal with at such a young age.

Reanaclaire said...

Hands for a good cause! Very meaningful.. my parents are diabetics too and I love sweet things..I also better refrain...

Tanya Breese said...

i like that!

Roan said...

Neat! Nice cause, too!

Linda said...

I love that verse!!

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