Monday, August 4, 2014

We All Scream

I scream, you scream.
We all scream for ice-cream

Last Saturday, we came upon the ice-cream truck; it had broken down at the park entrance. The driver went under it to try and find the trouble. As you can see from the hole in the back, the truck is kind of old and beat up.

Of course the tow truck had to be called, which had to measure the ice-cream truck to see if it would fit under bridges.

A boy came by riding his bike, and you can see how horrified he was to find the truck broken down...then again, his look of shock just MAY have been when he spotted me with my camera! Did your neighborhood have an ice-cream truck growing up? Did you listen for the bell? How often did it come? I loved it so much that one night we were making homemade ice-cream and turning the crank when I heard the bell. I begged for change and ran outside as fast as I could...Yes, I screamed for ice-cream.

“Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice-cream fall from the cone.” ~Jim Fiebig

“When you've stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse.”
Proverbs 27


DeniseinVA said...

I enjoyed this post Ginny. The ice-cream van used to come to our neighborhood a couple of times a week, usually as the kids were coming home from school. Fun memories. I have never had homemade ice-cream. I keep thinking of buying a machine but it hasn't got past the thinking stage yet :)

crafty cat corner said...

Yes, we used to have the ice cream man come around the streets, he played the tune 'Greensleeves'very loudly so that you couldn't miss him. lol

Ann said...

I don't remember an ice cream truck coming around when I was growing up but there was one when my daughter was very little. We lived in a trailer park at the time and all the kids would come running. He came around a couple times a week but it was only for a couple years and then we never saw him again. Maybe his truck broke down too

Hootin Anni said...

We have one going through our neighborhood weekly...and year 'round since it never gets too cold here.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I haven't seen an ice cream truck for years! Fond memories though. Now I am craving ice cream :)

From the Kitchen said...

We had Jerry the Popsicle Man when I was a kid. I love the way that ice cream truck is decorated.


Tamago said...

It's too bad the ice cream truck broke down. I hope ice cream inside are kept frozen!
We didn't have ice cream truck where I grew up (Japan.) Instead, we had truck of stone-roasted sweet potato coming by in winter. I loved those sweet potatos :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we lived in the country so no ice cream trucks for me or for my kids. but we have one here. i here it going up and down the street behind us.. i love the last shot of the boy on the bike and the man laying under the truck. poor guy probably could not afford the tow truck just selling ice cream. he did a good job of making the old truck look fun and inviting.

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, an ice cream truck came down my street every summer evening when I was a kid. I used to hear one hear every once in a while, but not lately.

Tanya Breese said...

great photos! yes, we had an ice cream truck when i was a kid and when i was about 5 my dad let me cross the street by myself to get my ice cream while he waited on the other side watching. i got my ice cream and was so excited that i darted right out in the street and was hit by a car! luckily i wasn't hurt bad, just some skinned knees and elbows but i remember my mom freaking out and my parents rushing me to the hospital. i got a little stuffed horsey :)

Chatty Crone said...

I am screaming for ice cream! I hope the ice cream was okay. Yes we still have ice cream trucks here - but I don't remember any when I was growing up!

Patsy said...

We had a short few days in our neighborhood with a ice cream truck this summer. It has not been back. It was fun to see just how many kids were in the neighborhood when the bells and music played.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I just knew you were screaming for ice cream when I saw that blog title. lol! We had a Schwan truck that came around our rural neighborhood when my kids were little. They have all kinds of frozen stuff including ice cream. A swan was painted on the side of the truck and when it pulled into our driveway to see if we wanted to buy something, my son always yelled "mom, the duck truck is here!" lol! I'll never forget that.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That is funny what you said about the boys look....yes rough to see ice cream truck broke down.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Cute story. No ice-cream truck where I grew up. I lived 10 miles from the nearest town,so we had to make our own and it sure was tasty.

LV said...

We still have ice cream trucks in our neighborhood. They just do not run every day. Noting beats ice cream made the old fashion way as you said, salt, ice and crank it up. Wish I had some now.

Reanaclaire said...

I also love to scream for ice cream!!! I love Baskin Robbins and Haagan Daz... and I remember going to Weatherby in Sacramento for their yummy ice cream.. and not forgetting Cold Stone too!

Small Kucing said...

what lovely colors! Cheerful. Love your new header :)

Unknown said...

We actually still have an ice cream truck that makes the rounds in our neighborhood almost daily. It does bring back a lot of fun memories. What excitement that bell brought!

Marie said...

We had an ice cream truck when I was a kid and in the neighborhood where I raised my son. We always like hearing the music. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

I hope he got the truck fixed soon otherwise a lot of kids would have been disappointed. Our little town didn't have an ice cream truck when I was growing up. But my parents owned a five & dime store that served ice cream cones.

Shug said...

I remember the ice cream truck days. Such a sweet memory! It was always so exciting to hear the sound of the music coming from the trucks.

Hope the ice cream didn't melt!!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Do you know on Smith Mountain Lake they have an ice cream boat! It drives around to all the docks selling ice cream.

Rose said...

No, no ice cream truck in our neighborhood!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...