Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Box

One reason I love boxes is because the possibilities are endless; anything could be in a box. We got this box today, and there is something special about it. Can you guess why? I will show and tell on my next post.

“Then put in the Box the two stone tablets that I will give you, on which the commandments are written.
Exodus 25


DeniseinVA said...

It must be too late for my brain to figure this out Ginny. I will check out your next post :)

Filip and Kristel said...

I am curious.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think your grandaughter made it for you? she is talented.. if not that then i can't wait to see what and when and who and how...

Ann said...

well it's a very cool fancy origami folded box.

jp@A Green Ridge said... intricate exterior...wonder what is inside...:)JP

From the Kitchen said...

I love your "teasers" and I love boxes.

The cup in my post is from Anthropology.


Tamago said...

This is a very interesting looking box! I have no idea what's inside....maybe a plant growing inside?
Looking forward to finding out!

Shug said...

I'm thinking a special little girl that is so dear to your heart.....made it for you???? The initial (K) is what is leading me to think so? so cute!

EG CameraGirl said...

Is there a plant inside?

DawnTreader said...

No idea but I love a neat box :)

Ruth Kelly said...

You have confounded all of us.

Patsy said...

I will just wait to see!!
The flower in last post is a "Tall Phlox".

Marie said...

That sure is a pretty K on the box. :) We have a lot of K's around the house because of Kyle. :)

Roan said...

Hmm, the possibilites are endless. Looking forward to the answer.

Unknown said...

You are such a teaser Ginny. I think there's komochichikombuska in that box. What do you think that is? (I'm just taking teasing lessons from you,)

Chatty Crone said...

Fortune Cookies???

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm not venturing a guess. LOL

Angie said...

No clue but I'm excited to find out

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---I truly don't know but it looks like a box from a Chinese Restaurant.. A long time ago, we'd order Shrimp Fried Rice from a Chinese Restaurant and it would come in a box like that...

I also wonder if some of the interesting boxes you get are for your kitties --since cats love boxes.


Small Kucing said...

hmmm.....come on.....dont leave it too long ya Ginny. Am curious.... am a cat :p


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...