Sunday, August 17, 2014

Monkeying Around

Look who we found at the County Fair last week! This little monkey and his owner were walking around performing. I loved them so much that I'm afraid I might have stalked them! The monkey's name is Jenga and he is 23 years old, which makes him a teenager. Notice he is dressed in the same outfit as his owner, they were sharp dressed! In the fifth picture you can see Jenga biting the money he gets. He has to make sure it is real before he puts it in the cup! He has been very well trained by his owner, who has had Jenga his whole life. I got to hold him and he pointed under his chin for me to scratch it...his fur is very soft and he is so gentle!! Then Phil took a turn to meet Jenga! A fun day!

 “Be blessed, God; train me in your ways of wise living.”
Psalm 119


DeniseinVA said...

What an expressive face, he almost looks human. You got some great photos. I didn't know monkeys could live that long and much older if he is only a teenager.

Ann said...

I'm pretty sure this is the same guy who was at our fair last year. They are fun to watch.
Love the picture of him and Phil.

Hootin Anni said...

A fun, fun post today Ginny. Love the rainbow colors in their costumes. And to hold and scratch his chin [the monkey, not the owner] would be a thrill.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Now there's something you don't see everyday :) how neat!!!

Tamago said...

Wow what a cute monkey! I love his pretty eyes and his coat does look very soft and shiny. Love the photo of Phil and Jenga together :-)

About butterfly in a jar, my boys show some interest but not so much...I like it, though :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Jealous is my middle name, Envy toooo... these are WONDERFUL.. I love them all... I want to see and hold that monkey. did you notice in 3 and 9 photo's Jenga's mouth is held exactly like the owner and Phil.. like he is mimicking them. this is by far my favorite post ever... love it love it love it...that monkey is so ugly he is beautiful.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh my! LOL! I have to say when I first saw the header photo I did a double-take! I don't think I've ever seen a monkey like this one. He even has a beard like his owner! Cute, cute post!

LC said...

I got a chuckle about how their facial "fur" matched, too. Happy post!

George said...

I can't blame you for 'stalking' Jenga -- he's a cutie. But I can't tell who looks most unsure in that last photo -- Jenga or Phil.

Anonymous said...

Jenga is so cute! When I was a child, the shopping mall had a monkey and organ grinder that I loved to visit. He wore a little hat and would tip it if you gave him money!
I remember touching his tiny hand but never his fur. Like Sandra, I am jealous that you and Phil got to touch/hold Jenga!!!
Wonderful photos, Ginny.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

He has such a cute face!
medieval times is in Myrtle Beach.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like you and Phil had fun with the monkey and his owner. 23 yrs old, huh???? How long do monkeys live???

Phil looks like he is not sure that he likes having Jenga on his shoulder.

Where is your picture with Jenga?????????


Rose said...

I would never have guessed that his fur is soft! He looks so little.

Small Kucing said...

cheeky monkey. This one looks tame. not like the one in Batu Caves. That was vicious

Roan said...

Cute! I'm sure I would have stalked him, too.

Shug said...

Cute expression on Phil's face!! These pictures are so cute....both the monkey and Phil. What fun this must have been. This is certainly a cute post.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, he looks so human, Ginny.. his expressions on his face looks like an elderly man if you know what I mean... yes, he must be very well trained...

Angie said...

I love him! I think I want one now :)

crafty cat corner said...

Oh, that poor monkey, I hope he's treated well.

Chatty Crone said...

Your poor husband - and what he does for you so you can get your photo shot! lol

Mary Bergfeld said...

What wonderful costumes. Phil looks a bit unsure about the whole thing :-). I hope all is well. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Lady Jane said...

Such a cute post. Love Jenga and Phil together. Same facile expressions, how'd ya do that? Jenga is very smart.

DawnTreader said...

How wonderfully colourful!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...