Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sunday Sun

“The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever.”

Unknown by me

“Oh, how sweet the light of day, And how wonderful to live in the sunshine! Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled hour, Remembering that there will also be many dark days.” 
Ecclesiastes 11


Linda said...

Wow, Ginny!!! Wow!!!

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, you are amazing...great photos!!!

Ann said...

Fantastic. Happy Mother's day

MadSnapper n Beau said...

stunning stunning stunning photos. so bright it is blinding and beautiful. happy mothers day

Filip and Kristel said...

Like the sky is on fire. Top.


Anni said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Delicious colors and such a calmness coming over me viewing such beauties Ginny.

AND!!!----your forsythias post below this...why, they're just as beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny. May God richly bless you this Mother's Day.

Joan said...

I must put mine hand for mine eyes ..
Love the colour

Tamago said...

What a breathtaking view. Gorgeous photos! I love the one with a bird flying in front of the sun.
Happy Mother's Day to you!

Rose said...

Fabulous captures...and what a verse to go with the day.

I hope you are having a wonderful cay!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi there, Just stopping by to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to you. I’m sure you are having a fabulous day. I celebrated yesterday when one of my sons and his beautiful wife came to see us….

As you probably know, we’ve been out-of-town this past week and I haven’t done any blogging much at all. I hope you enjoyed my two Tulip blog posts while we were gone——and be sure and tune in tomorrow morning to find out what we’ve been doing this past week….


Joy said...

So fantastic sun shots!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Mother's Day Ginny. As always,I love your photos.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Mother's Day! Sandie

Carla from The River said...

AMAZING!! Just beautiful, you take amazing photos. :-)

Wising you a great Mother's Day and a happy week ahead.

Small Kucing said... you snap such clear photo of the sun? Guess have to have DSLR. Mine just automatic type of camera

Have a great week ahead, Ginny

DeniseinVA said...

How sweet the light indeed!!! Your photos are stunning Ginny. I love how you have caught the bird in your header shot also. Happy Monday :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Vibrant colours!!

Shammickite said...

Have a sunny day!

Dee said...

Your header is fantastic! What a beautiful post and stunning pictures. Happy Mother's Day... :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The sun is so bright! I like the words too.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So bright it hurts!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...