Saturday, May 2, 2015

There's A Moon Out Tonight

How many of you remember the old song that is my title? I have just come home with these photos. I will show you in the order I took them.

 “There's a (moon out tonight) whoa-oh-oh ooh
Let's go strollin'
There's a girl in my heart
Whose heart I've stolen
There's a moon out tonight
Let's go strollin' through the park”

-Words and Music by Al Striano, Joe Luccisano, and Al Gentile

“He makes the moon wax and wane, putting it through its phases. He draws the horizon out over the ocean, sets a boundary between light and darkness.” 
Job 26


Anonymous said...

Ginny, These are amazing photos of the moon! Beautiful. I am not familiar with the song, but I googled it and listened. It's very pretty.

Shug said...

Each photo is very pretty. I don't remember that song....however, in your case....there was a moon out tonight..


Linda said...

Ginny, I don't remember the song. Your photos are stunning!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing photos. I could just barely see the moon through the clouds tonight.

From the Kitchen said...

I always love your moon shots!


DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, what an incredible sight that must have been. Your photos are stunninbg and that is a lovely header photo too. I love the layers of color. That song seems familiar. I'll have to go on a search so that I can hear it.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Gimmy I love the different colours on these shots.

Ann said...

I don't know that song but those are some awesome shots.
When I left for work the other morning the moon was huge and looked a little orange. I wanted to stop and take pictures but just didn't have the time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are really really beautiful and so different and unique. i loved that song and am on youtbube listening to the Capris, it has been views almost 2 million times. here is the link

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, your moon photos are always so fantastic!

Rose said...

I don't remember that song, but I remember DAncing in the Moonlight....

nice photos! It was a misty moon here last night.

Filip and Kristel said...

Always great to see the moon in the daylight. Thanks for being the top commentator on our blog last month.


DawnTreader said...

Surreal, somehow...

Joy said...

Those were amazing moon shots. I love it when you always comes with the right bible verse with your pictures:)

Tamago said...

Such a beautiful moon, and the colors of the sky are amazing!

Karen said...

Perfectly beautiful!!

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful moon photos!!

Reanaclaire said...

Just too beautiful for words, Ginny!! Awesome shots... you are one professional photographer!

Patsy said...

I have a moon app on the Ipad and the night the full moon came up my Ipad started to play "I will sing to You" it was about 10:00pm
and scared me until I realized what it was. Beautiful moon photo's.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You take such amazing moon shots. I love the clouds mixed in.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Ginny,
Oh my, that is just amazing how you captured the moon. Well done!

Marie said...

these colors are amazing! we have a full moon tonight! I don't remember the song, but it seems so sweet & fun!

Small Kucing said...

Hello Ginny :)

Didn't know that song. Google. It's so beautiful

Just came back from long weekend. Have a great week ya, Ginny

EG CameraGirl said...

GREAT shots of the clouds and moon, Ginny!

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, I saw the most beautiful moon out last evening. It was big and the most beautiful color!
I love this music. I grew up with it. My brothers used to play these 45's and just like in the movies there were a bunch of kids in the basement dancing!! So much fun. I wish kids today had these memories.
xoxo Catherine

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Truly magnificent.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...