Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Welcome! Come In! But You Could Be Eaten Alive!

Doesn't everyone trust the Michelin Man when they go to buy tires?

Here is our local tire dealer, just a few blocks away.

But there's a mean surprise behind these doors. A vicious guard dog is roaming the store. These signs warn you to guard your life and limb. Be careful! Do not touch, pet, or even look this dog in the eye!
He could take a dislike to you or the way you smell, and then it's all over for you.

If you should doubt, there are many papers hanging up to tell you that this dog means business! Tread lightly, look AWAY from the dog, don't sweat or get nervous...

I'm assuming the place has had break-ins. Phil will go in, but not me. They even said I could come in and TRY to take pictures! NOOoooo, thanks anyway but I don't think so! I think this may lose them a lot of business. HEY, I am an animal lover, but killer dogs roaming around while I am trying to do business is a bit too much. What do YOU think?

The dog in my header is not the one I am posting about, but I liked  how it turned out with the big and tiny dogs. I would never go in THERE, either!

“You know that if the homeowner had known what time of night the burglar would arrive, he would have been there with his dogs to prevent the break-in. Be vigilant just like that. You have no idea when the Son of Man is going to show up.”
Matthew 24


Linda said...

I used to be afraid of dogs, as I had a bad experience once where a dog bit me when I was a little girl, but I am no longer afraid of them. The best thing to do is to avoid eye contact with them and even if you are scared just go about your business. If the dog(s) are well trained they will not attack for nothing. The signs made me smile. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

NO That is NOT right to put the public in that position.I would NOT be doing business there.

Nancy Chan said...

Probably the sign is to scare off those who have evil intent. Those customers who are scared of dogs would definitely not do business here.

From the Kitchen said...

I thought this was going to be a joke. Yikes!


Hootin Anni said...

Super....and Ginny, was the 'tread lightly' an intentional play on words?!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so the dog is in the store when it is open? i can see leaving it there when closed, but this looks like a bad thing waiting to happen...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the Big and Little of it all in the header. and i would go in there

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello, the warnings are enough to scare visitors and robber even if there is no real dog.

Interesting post.

Best wishes

Tamago said...

I thought it was a joke. I think it's better to buy a security system and not use their dogs like that.
The header photo of big and small dogs are very cute :-)

Ceil said...

Hi Ginny! Oy, I would avoid this place like the plague. I am not a 'dog person' and am allergic to boot.
I think you're right that they've had some bad experiences with either burglary, or people trying to pet the dogs. I'm sure the dog biting someone would be an insurance disaster!

Be vigilant for the Lord. But don't send out the dogs to watch too!

Marie said...

the two pups at the door are so cute!! so is the dog in the store during hours of operation?

Joy said...

I don't think I would go in there either. But it is good that the owner are prepared for the burglars:)
Anyway, you are rightm we should keep on guard too, or else the enemy will steal our very life.

photowannabe said...

That's just a bit too much warning for me to feel comfortable going in there.
Doesn't sound too people friendly.
Looking forward to having Beverly at our home for a few days. We pick her up at the airport tomorrow. Can't wait to see her again.

DawnTreader said...

I would not go in there either, especially as I find all that info very confusing. Even after reading it all I'm not sure I actually understand what the dog's job is supposed to be!

Patsy said...

I would not go in either, he my not of had lunch.

stevevhan said...

I think they should just use a surveillance cam instead and if there's already an emergency, they should let the dog out. Youre right that this might lose them business. :)

Thanks for sharing that scripture! God bless yu!

Ann Thompson said...

I can understand having a guard dog there when the store is closed but it seems strange that it would be roaming around during business hours.

LV said...

I use those tires, but would find a=another dealer. No dogs for me.

DeniseinVA said...

Do those signs prevent people from suing them if they were bitten? They could say, well, we have plenty of signs around!!! Personally I would not set foot in the place. Perhaps they had a lot of problems beforehand. I know not to touch dogs that I don't know anyhow, as much as I love them. But I sure would have second thoughts taking my child into that store, or even myself. Interesting post Ginny and your header photo is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems odd and a liability for the business to have the dog there when customers are allowed inside. I don't blame you for not going inside.
Your header photo reminds me of a photo I took of our little tiny, short Harriet with a great dane dog at our vet's office. They looked so funny beside one another!

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm with you Ginny, no thanks!!!

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, I love dogs. They are simply best friends.
The picture of the two dogs is so adorable.
I hope all is well Ginny and thank you for your friendship and kind visits. You truly are wonderful.
xoxo Catherine

Rose said...

All those signs just make me want to pet/see it more.

Small Kucing said...

LOL...those sign got humour in it.

Guess dogs are better guard than any alarm systems

Shug said...

I'm with you in guessing that they must have a lot of break-ins. I sure do like your header picture with the dog in the door....He is too cute.

EG CameraGirl said...

Scary! This place does NOT sound friendly!

Carla from The River said...

Interesting. I wonder why they had to decided to go this route for help with security? Is there a lot of crime?
I do hope all will work out for the shop owner and the dogs.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...