Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Ones Who Faint

I went to a goat show with Phil and a friend. But they were not just any goats, they were Miniature Silky Fainting Goats! Their fur is long and silky, and they are very small. Plus they faint when emotional.

I asked one lady why they were baaing so much, and she said the little ones wanted back in the pens with their mommys.

                Can you see the beginning of little horns starting to come out on this young one?

                                  I think this black one had the longest horns in the show!

Some people get very emotional over their little goats! Here they are running around the ring, hoping to win one of these ribbons.

                         They nibbled on anything and everything! Fingers, arms, clothes.

In fact, one of them did get nervous and started to faint! When they are out flat, it can last a long long time, because their muscles are paralyzed. But such is their life. So ended our strange visit!

“He said, ‘Understand that this vision has to do with the time of the end.’ As soon as he spoke, I fainted, my face in the dirt. But he picked me up and put me on my feet.”

Daniel 8


Linda said...

Ginny, what a great post, and I love your photos! I had heard about these fainting goats...so it is stress, eh? Bless their little hearts, they are so cute!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Thegoats are s cute,really gorgeous and your photograhps of them are fabulous.

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, thank you for the photos. The goats are so, so cute. And the long, silky fur are so beautiful. I am sure their owners spend lots of time combing the fur to keep them from entangling. They are really so emotional.

From the Kitchen said...

Wow! That's all I can think to say!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all the pics and am so glad you did not include one of a fainted goat. i saw them on TV once and wanted to cry for them, it looks awful when they faint. these all looks beautiful, happy and healthy and i am sure Phil must taste good since that one did not faint when he nibbled. LOL.

Joan said...

lovely- I never see with long hair ..

Hootin Anni said...

I enlarged the photos...outstanding!!! Great post as always. Fainting goats, never heard of them before today.

Tanya Breese said...

i've seen them on tv before...crazy little goats!

Patsy said...

Great post! Wish I could have seen them.

Vanessa Morgan said...

They are adooorable. What a pity that I can't keep them in my apartment ;-)

Tamago said...

Awww they are adorable!
So their name "Miniature Silky Fainting Goat" describes them perfectly :-) Their fur looks really silky and beautiful!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They really have lovely fur don't you think?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Learned smoothening new again. I had never heard of fainting goats. They sure are beautiful with those lovely silky coats.

Rose said...

What fun to see these funny little goats! They sure are different and pretty.

Ann Thompson said...

I've never heard of this type of goat but they're very pretty. I imagine it takes quite a lot of work keeping them groomed

Chatty Crone said...

You had fun!! When I opened your post - I thought I was looking at a mirror.

Billy Goat Gruff!

Anonymous said...

They are cute as can be. What a neat opportunity to see them in person. Wonderful photos, Ginny.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

They look very cute yet sad to me. It must be very trying to get on with them.

DeniseinVA said...

Outstanding photos of these cute fainting goats Ginny. Isn't that something? I have seen movies of them before but have never actually seen them. I love your latest header also. Cute face!

Marie said...

they are beautiful!! I didn't know about the fainting. beautiful photos!

EG CameraGirl said...

They are so cute!

Bobbie said...

Ginny, what an interesting post! I love goats and sheep. I did not know about the fainting goats. And speaking of interesting... you and Phil are always going on interesting adventures. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week!

Lady Jane said...

I love your post. Never heard of these goats. Poor things, I'm thinking I might like this instead of migraines, maybe not... Goats eyes are so weird!!! My neighbor has goats and the babies are soooooooo cute!!! She makes goat cheese and soap. The fainting goats have marvelous hair for knitting I bet. Interesting post, thanks...

LV said...

I think it is great you are out and about enjoying so any different and interesting things. I did not know that about goats fainting.

Joy said...

They are just so sweets:)


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...