Look what we drove past; a camouflage recliner. It was for sale, and we had to turn in and take some pictures. Since we could see it, maybe it was not very camouflaged! Maybe it is for someone who wants to hide in their own house.
“He doesn’t
play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; He’s near. We live
and move in him, can’t get away from him!”
Acts 17
Looks like a man cave chair although I suppose there are plenty of women who are hunters too.
I was in Walmart yesterday and saw something that was camouflaged and I thought gee, there putting that on everything now....lol
my first ever view of a printed recliner. never seen anything like it ... all the little girls underwear, bras and panties are camoflauge. the pre teens . I saw that at Walmart and told bob it was a shock to me. so is this chair
I must say I wouldn't want it in my lounge, ha ha
It looks like its got a mind of its own.
My first time seeing a camouflage recliner. Those I have seen are usually in plain colours. One thing good about this camouflage recliner is that if there is any stains, they won't be easily noticeable.
You don't see that every day and in fact, I've never seen once like it before.
That's a nice looking recliner. Maybe it's meant to be used in the woods, haha :-)
Thank you for your comment. My kitties aren't interested in mosquitoes and fortunately, mosquitoes leave them alone, too. But they do love moth!
that chair is toooooo busy for me.
That chair must be for someone who wanted a garden but wasn't able to do the work.
Great bible verse. My wife says the chair doesn't go with our deco.
My #1 son would absolutely love that chair!! I have never seen anything like it before...
I can't help but wonder if my Hubby would have wanted one like that.He loved to wear his camouflaged jackets and hat.
Did you read the Harry Potter books? or watch the movies? More specifically, The Half-Blood Prince... where someone (professor Slughorn) transforms himself into - yes, an armchair... (So that chair could be a wizard in disguise!!!)
HA HA ---what a prize... Hope you took it home with you.. It's no telling how much money you might find (in addition to lots of wonderful bugs) hidden deep in its belly.... ha ha ha ha... You find the neatest things to share.
I guess this just shows there's something for everyone :)
You are so fun ... I love how you share such fun finds with us.
Enjoy the week,
I love that chair!! Looks like it could reach out and give you a big old hug!!
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