Monday, September 26, 2016

Warm Socks

MEOW! Daddy has brought the clean laundry upstairs. Today it is socks, our favorite. Form a line and wait your turn nicely.

“Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean, scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.
Psalm 51


Linda said...

Ah!!! They are precious!!!

Reanaclaire said...

Puss in Boots? No, Puss in laundry basket! hahahaa.. Cute!

Nancy Chan said...

These sweeties know how to enjoy the comfort of clean soft laundry! Have a fabulous day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

God bless their cotton socks... he he he, I just came from English Girl and saw you wrote on there to... all of our dogs have always loved warm clean laundry. we don't wear socks so none for them to lay on

Tanya Breese said...

how cute!

Bobbie said...

Awww how cute!!

Tamago said...

Oh, how cute!! My boys love socks, too. Niko enjoys digging in sock drawer :-)
Thank you for your comment on Goro's anniversary. He was just about 4 month old when he was found. He is daddy's boy but Niko is mommy's boy :-) That is a battery operated trimmer for their nails. We use it instead of nailclipper.

Have a lovely day, Ginny!

Anonymous said...

Oh how precious, Ginny. I love your cats.

Ann said...

I don't know but it looks like there's enough room in there for two :) Totally cute

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Perfect scripture for this post.... "Wash me and I will be Whiter than Snow"......

Cute kitties... Cats do love laundry, don't they?


LV said...

Your kitties look as tho they are trying to tell you to hurry up and gets this over. I have never had a kitty, but a few puppies. Thank you Alwyn for your kind comments.

Ruth Kelly said...

My kitties are all gone now but I can enjoy yours. Have a wonderful day.

photowannabe said...

Nothing like cozy warm sox to take a little snooze.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What adorable kitties!

Terra said...

Sweet kitties.

L. D. said...

They look like very nice cats to have around the house.

Sunday Sunset