We went to see a large field full of giant sunflowers! But when we got there, they were so tall that we could see only the first row (: Plus they were on a small hill. With a ditch in front. That I was not able to cross. Phil did navigate the terrain to stand in front of the field! While I clung to a pole and snapped him. Better luck next time I guess.
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
It's what the sunflowers do."
Helen Keller
How gorgeous these sunflowers are. I always wanted to stand in a field of them like your hubby. I did once but it was a long time ago. Great shots Ginny.
Thanks for visiting my flower post. Water lilies and Lotus are different. Found this for you.
The leaves of lotus are emergent, meaning that they rise above the water level whereas the leaves of water-lily are found floating on the water surface. Same is true for their respective flowers; lotus flowers are emergent and water-lily flowers are floating.
And this here: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/difference-water-lily-lotus-67046.html
Good Morning, Ginny. Sunflowers are so cheerful! This is a nice photo of Phil by the sunflowers. I hope you both have a nice day.
They are gorgeous and I'm so glad you had him stand in front of them so we can see how extremely tall they are. Wow something I would really love to see in real life
Sorry you could see only the first row, but wow, they are gorgeous!
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. I love their cheerful faces :-) Love the quote by Helen Keller!
Gorgeous sunflowers. They are giants! Phil looks great in front of the sunflowers. Have a beautiful day!
Oh wow, Ginny, these are fabulous! Great shots! I love, love sunflowers and I've never seen a field of them like this. What a sight it must be. Love the quote of Helen Keller. Have a nice weekend!
I love sunflowers. Those are so pretty. A customer that comes in the store where I work told me about a field of sunflowers and said I should go check it out. I never did get around to going
Wonderful. I've never actually seen a whole field of sunflowers like that in real life.
me again....how ironic that Phil is painting your mailbox as you were reading my post just now! We have a plain mailbox, too! I have never tasted quince preserves! Hope you have a nice afternoon, Ginny.
Wow...wonderful sunflowers. So tall and majestic
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