Monday, September 5, 2016

Skipping On Zinnias

These skippers were nice enough to pose for me while they were dining on zinnias. Skippers are moth-like butterflies, so named because they fly in short fast bursts. And they are just so darned cute!

“Always jump in the puddles! Always skip alongside the flowers. The only fights worth fighting are the pillow and food varieties.”
Terry  Guillemets

“Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we’ll skip and dance all the day long.” 


Nancy Chan said...

Great captures of the Skippers dining on the zinnias. (about your comment on the snow beer in my blog - The beer is frozen to a certain temperature and when the beer is poured into the frozen glass, the beer looks curdly.

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty golden color the skipper has!!! Great photos today Ginny.

And loved the quote.

Ann said...

Oh they are cute and those eyes. The eyes are almost as big as their heads. Your photos of them are amazing. In the second picture I was trying to figure out what that curly thing was. At first I thought it was an antennae, then in the third picture I can see it looks like it's all curled up. Is that a tongue?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this fuzzy little skipper is so cute he out shines the flowers.. like a furry golden beauty

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos Ginny! Love those little skippers and yours have personality:)

Small Kucing said...

Lovely snap, Ginny

I have Zinnia too over here. But they do dry up very fast. Love their colors

Tamago said...

What a cute little butterfly! I do not like moth but Skippers are so adorable! Great captures!

Carla from The River said...

Great photo's :-) I like the quote too.

Scott S. said...
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Ruth Hiebert said...

You have got great pictures of these small critters.Very well done.

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, they seem like they are posing for you, Ginny!! Perfect shots!!

Anonymous said...

I love these sweet photos, Ginny. My grandmother always had lots of zinnias in her garden!

Shug said...

Interesting lesson here. I did not know that they were called Skippers. Some really great shots Ginny....

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

beautiful shots Ginny

L. D. said...

Mildred sent me over to see your skipper. I may have had one on my zinnia but I had never seen one before. You have a nice blog so I joined.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Popping with color! Beautiful.

Jeanne said...

Love these! I've never heard of Skippers. They are so cute and what big eyes they have!

Jeanne said...

Love these! I've never heard of Skippers. They are so cute and what big eyes they have!

Bobbie said...

Great pictures, Ginny! You sure do know a lot... and I learn something almost every time I come to visit. Now if I can remember what I have learned, I'll be good.

Sunday Sunset