Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Panera Bread Dinner Crowd

On the weekend, it can be hard to find a seat at Panera Bread, so the crowd must wait awhile. They line up and wait with anticipation.

If the place is full, they wait for some dropped food, or maybe a few crumbs. Anything will do. They are not picky eaters.

Let's hope that each one goes home just a little bit full. Bread is good.

“Are you confused about life, don’t know what’s going on? Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me!” 
Proverbs 9


Nancy Chan said...

Hi Ginny, my favourite is the last photo! They decorated the branches beautifully!

Ann said...

Well I had no idea that birds were so fond of Panera Bread :) That sure is a lot of birds

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, a Christmas tree decorated by a murder of crows... that is what a flock of them is called. love that last shot. have never been to a Panera

From the Kitchen said...

"The Birds"!! Love your photos and Panera!!


Tamago said...

Ooh looks like birdies love Panera Bread! I love their bread, too :-)

DawnTreader said...

Too funny :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love this creative post.... What a good one to go with your scripture... EXCELLENT, Ginny....

Hope those birdies got some dinner!!!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

That's a whole lot of birds in one place.I can only imagine the noise.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....I love Panera the soups!! I see that quite a few birds showed up for dinner! Lol.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Never heard of that bread but the birds sure have!

Anonymous said...

Such cute photos of the birdies lined up! John and I ate ONCE at Panera Bread. Kinda of expensive but very tasty.

Bobbie said...

Haha! I saw this on your FB! LOVE IT! You are always on top of things. Reporter Ginny on the go! And Phil, your sidekick.. Love to you both!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That is so crazy!!!

Reanaclaire said...

The birds make an awesome pictures of themselves... Indeed God is really creative!

photowannabe said...

I do love your take on this Ginny.
Panara is quite tasty.

DeniseinVA said...

Wow, that's quite a crowd. Gregg and I had dinner at our local Panera Bread yesterday but apart from a few sparrows, we didn't see anything like this :)

Sunday Sunset