Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Hats Off!

The other day, Dara was in a play called Hats! Each child had made a hat out of paper, and they were all lined up at the front of the stage. Here are a few.

Here is the group on stage.

They sung about what kind of hats people wore for their jobs. Some of their expressions and hats were comical!

Here is Dara, putting her whole heart into a song.

Here she is afterward wearing the hat she made. They got to take their hat home.

And here is Phil on stage with the girls, wearing the hat. Ha ha! It was a fun night.

“I knew you were sheer grace and mercy, not easily angered, rich in love, and ready at the drop of a hat to turn your plans of punishment into a program of forgiveness!
Jonah 4


Nancy Chan said...

Very pretty header! What a fun and happy time to participate in a play. They must be very proud getting to wear their own made hats on stage and sing a song about the hats. I like all the happy faces in the photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a super idea to make hats that way. they really are attractive and creative and I must say PHIL you have found your THING.. to cute. the girls look adorable.

George said...

This looks like a perfectly wonderful, fun experience.

Karen said...

This looks like great fun! The kids are adorable in their hats.

DeniseinVA said...

My favorite one is of Phil and your sweet grandchildren but all the photos are lovely, and the children are little darlings with their pretty paper hats. What a great project for them all and a great way of teaching them self confidence performing on a stage. Love these Ginny, great shots!

LV said...

So glad you are able to enjoy your little ones. When they get older, things change.

Unknown said...

What a fun idea, she is so cute!

Ann Thompson said...

There is always something fun going on there

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like this was fun for young and older alike.

Hootin Anni said...

What a blessing those girls of yours are! Such a sweet post! Loved phil donning the hat!

Rose said...

I bet that was a blast to see all the kids! Such fun.

Linda said...

How clever! I saw the hat pics on Facebook and I love seeing these photos here on the blog! Cod they use Modge Podge?
My grand quads just finished their first VBS and they loved it! I'm missing them!

Carla from The River said...


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