Friday, June 2, 2017

The No Mow Method

This house is about two blocks from us.

Let's take a walk up their front path and see what we can see. Do you notice anything unusual?

They have NO grass! They planted bulbs all over their front yard. It is beautiful in the spring! But the rest of the year; not so much. They did not want to mow grass. Would you ever consider this?

“Spring flowers are in blossom all over. The whole world’s a choir—and singing!” 
Song Of Solomon 2


DeniseinVA said...

Your pictures are lovely. It is definitely beautiful now. I don't think I would do without grass entirely though.

Connie said...

The home is beautiful and so are their tulips, but no grass. That's not my thing . . . my daughter likes the idea of no grass, she says she goes to the park for grass. Me, I enjoy mowing, I love using the clipping in my garden, and walking barefoot in the grass is so relaxing . . . all that and it's pretty. I need a lawn :)

Ann said...

It is pretty and I LOVE your header picture. I like grass though and even though they have all that color in the spring I wouldn't want to have just the dirt the rest of the year. I would think that mowing would be easier than keeping all the weeds out. I hate weeding. Then there is the fact that I love the smell of grass right after you mow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have no grass at all right now but even before drought we only have what God plants there and bob keeps it mowed. flowers like these are beautiful but more work than mowing. the weeds have to be pulled. and yes I would plant wild flowers in my front yard but not the kind like this. it is beautiful and your header is awesome

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love the blooms, but I imagine it looks a little sad in the winter. I would plant as many wildflowers as I could.

Linda said...

We have a house in our neighborhood that has no grass. However, it looks dreadful! Just so shaggy and confused looking. Another house has mostly ground cover and I rather like it!
I agree with Sandra - your header is awesome! I would love to frame that!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, spring is a relatively short time. It looks so... pretty with the flowers blooming. I think they could come up with a better plan to not have grass :)

Rose said...

Yes! I would and have considered it...specially in a couple places thar are a pain to mow. I think these are beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I would love to have everything in flowers, but the work of keeping the weeds out seems like too much.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful flowers in spring! Will be in a sad state without grass when spring is over. I like your blog header. Have a beautiful day!

LV said...

Never would have thought of this. The flowers are much prettier in their day, but a little grass is nice too.

Carla from The River said...

It is lovely during spring ... take a photo during summer and let us see the lawn or garden then.
I like the house.

Tanya Breese said...

i would like it while it is all in bloom but i wouldn't like it when it all dies...i have to have some grass!

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