Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Meadowlark

Today we spotted a Meadowlark! The males are able to sing one song 100 different ways.  Some nests are quite elaborate, with overhead roofs, tunnel entrances, and emergency exits.

Oops! I think he just spotted his dinner. Bye for now!

“In the silver light after a storm,
Under dripping boughs of bright new green,
I take the low path to hear the meadowlarks
Alone and high-hearted as if I were a queen.
What have I to fear in life or death
Who have known three things: the kiss in the night,
The white flying joy when a song is born,
And meadowlarks whistling in silver light.”

Sara Teasdale


Linda said...

I thought of you late this afternoon. I was walking back from the meadow and three killdeer were walking in front of me just like they were leading a parade. What was funny was that the three horses were walking behind me thinking I had some treats for them. It's fun to walk down here with the critters!!

Linda said...

Lovely shots! I haven't seen these close enough to identify one.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a gorgeous little bird Ginny. Hope you are having a great week.

Nancy Chan said...

The bird with the yellow breast blends well with the yellow flowers.

Ann said...

What a pretty little bird. Fascinating that they are able to build such complex nests.

Sandi said...

Tunnels and escape exits?? I never knew.

The name reminds me of Meadowlark Lemon, of course. I wonder if that was his real name?

Hootin Anni said...

EXCELLENT...& the lighting n your photos is perfect!

Joan said...

Lovely bird saw never before...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

such a pretty bird and i knew none of this. wow on 100 ways to sing a song... we have a bird that might be one of these or a close cousin. he has lots and lots of songs.

DeniseinVA said...

A super post Ginny. Great shots of the beautiful bird.

Tamago said...

Never seen Meadowlark. What a beautiful bird! Love the yellow feathers that match yellow flowers :-)

Chatty Crone said...

I have never seen Meadowlark either. What a gorgeous and beautiful bird!

photowannabe said...

Delightful capture.
I don't think we have Meadowlarks around here but the Mocking bird has been singing like mad. I can't find him but wow, what a bunch of songs are coming out of the tree branches.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the song of the Meadowlark. To me that is a true sign that spring has come. You got good pictures of him as well.

Rose said...

great photos, Ginny.

L. D. said...

As a kid on the farm I loved hearing their song. The loved the tall grasses and the pond area near there.

Sunday Sunset - Squiggles & Lines

 I snapped these just a few days ago.