Monday, October 1, 2018


In the last month or so, we have been bothered by European Hornets. They are the only true Hornet in North America, and the largest. They are HUGE! They fly in when we open the door. They seek light, like a moth does. They fly both day AND night!! We have had several in the house, and their buzz sounds like a motorcycle. They terrify me. Here is one crawling around the door trying to find a way to get in at night. He did this for a long time.

This is a picture I got from the web, so you can see what they really look like. Have you ever encountered one? What comes around that you are scared of?

“I will send hornets ahead of you so that they will drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites before you.”
Exodus 23


Linda said...

Good grief! They look mean! I am sitting at my laptop in the sewing room right before going to bed. There is some fly or mosquito flying in front of my computer screen! Must be two different insects because I just heard that awful whining in my ear! I do not like flying insects!!

Nancy Chan said...

I too do not like these insects. The hornet looks dangerous.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh my goodness! They sting, don't they? Better keep all doors and windows tightly closed.

Ann said...

Oh my word, they are huge. No wonder you're afraid of them. I would be too. I've never seen anything like that around here. We don't really get anything around here that I'm scared of. I may not like some of the bugs and critters but I'm not scared of them.

Sandi said...



George said...

We had to have a hornet nest removed just this week. Fortunately those hornets weren't as big as the ones you have!

LV said...

I have seen hornets but nothing like this. This year has brought us a lot of strange things.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Morning, We have a bug service --where they come to our home every few months and inspect for invaders we don't want.. One year we had bats nesting under the shutters..... Another time we had carpenter ants... This year, they found a hornets nest --at the bottom of our house (under the wood)--along the sidewalk near the side of the garage. They sprayed twice --and we haven't seen any signs of the hornets since then.... Luckily, none of these critters got into the house... Oh the joys of living in the woods... ha


Lois said...

Oh my gosh, those things are huge! I would be terrified too. I have never seen one before and I hope I never do!

Tamago said...

Oh my! What an unwelcomed guest! I may have seen hornets but not up close. We have wasps around here. They are scary but I've heard they are good as they eat other bugs. That photo from the web is too scary...!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That critter would scare me.Around here, it is a grasshopper that will make me terrified. Likely just me, but I can't stand them.

Inger said...

I haven't seen one here, but I remember them from my childhood in Sweden. If you stepped on a nest, you were in serious trouble.

Hootin Anni said...

My goodness...they would definitely create nightmares for me!!

Chatty Crone said...

That would scare me to death - I don't think I have seen one.

We get those little lizards in the house at times and of course no one is home with me -have had some unusual catches.

DeniseinVA said...

That one looks huge! I have only seen the black hornets. We had a hornet's nest in the outside light fixture. We get rid of them every year.

Carla from The River said...

I have never seen one, and I do not want too. Goodness! I am not found of hornets. I was stung by a black one and I had a reaction to the sting.
Stay Safe!

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for redirecting me to this post. I see I have been here before but enjoyed it again. Fascinating insects but I wouldn’t want any in our house.

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