Monday, October 8, 2018

The Poor Browns

We seem to be surrounded by fields of brown! Many farmers plant field corn, and let it turn brown and dry before they harvest it. This is to feed the animals. This year there seems to be more brown than green.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

it is great that the armers are having a good harvest this year

Ann said...

Lots of corn fields around here also. Love these pictures.

Tamago said...

Brown but beautiful corn fields! I like the contrast between brown and green :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the brown corn matched the brown church perfectly. and looks as pretty as the greens to me.. I love corn and that last photo is perfectly beautiful and makes me want corn on the cob. I don't cook it because bob can't eat it and also I is a carb..

Nancy Chan said...

It is going to be a bountiful harvest for the farmers!

George said...

We don't have much corn around here, but we sure did where I grew up in Indiana!

Chatty Crone said...

Winston and I have similar views.

So they let it grow brown and use it as feed. I did not know that.

I get smarter all the time!

Love, sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Browns alone can be somewhat boring, but side by side with those greens it becomes beautiful.

Carla from The River said...

I like the color of brown corn, it always makes me think of my days of growing up on the farm. Autumn harvest was a busy time for us. My dad always enjoyed the corn harvest. I also like the rustle of the corn leaves in the October winds.
Great photos my friend!

Unknown said...

Haha! I must say I agree with Winston! I think my mother made me wear too many brown plaid dresses when I was growing up. I'm not fond of brown :)


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