Tuesday, October 2, 2018

This Evening

It was a balmy summer-like evening up on the hill today.

The clouds tie-dyed the night. ~Terri Guillemets


Linda said...

The colors God uses are amazing. He gives us a show every night - free to all wo will take the time to watch it!

Unknown said...

So lovely! And such gorgeous combination of colors, yes, tie-dyed is a wonderful description!

Ann said...

It's amazing how the same sky can take on such a different look each day. Another beautiful one :)

George said...

The sky -- and the colors in the clouds -- is absolutely gorgeous.

LV said...

As usual, great sky shots, but the last one is my favorite.

Inger said...

Just beautiful, if you keep this up, I have to learn some new words to add to gorgeous, amazing, and beautiful. Have a good day.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful skies Ginny and you always pick the greatest quotes.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they really do look tie died. I have a tie died coverup these colors

Tamago said...

Lovely sky! We had a bit cool evening. Feels like autumn, though it's still very hot during the day.

Sandi said...

Gorgeous, Ginny!

Lois said...

Very pretty colors Ginny!

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - we looked at the sky here and it was similar - not quite as pretty but the colors similar!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those clouds are spectacular.The colors soft, yet vibrant.


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