Monday, October 15, 2018

Someone's At The Door

The girlies came over a few days ago, and we made masks!

Dara is still missing a front tooth.

Jazz wanted her solo picture taken as well. She really knows how to strike a pose.

The finished masks!

Someone's at the door. BOO!

Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend.”
 ~Oliver Wendell Holmes


Linda said...

Your girlies are adorable! Their personalities shine through! Good job on those masks!

Terra said...

Those masks are colorful and gorgeous and the girlies are cutey pies.

Ann said...

I bet they love coming to your house. There's always something fun to do. The masks look so cute.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how darling, darling, darling.... including Grandma!! :) Those masks are wonderful, Ginny! Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love to see your 3 girls, they are all so beautiful. Ann Marie is all grown up and so very pretty. seems like yesterday it was just her and she was making masks....

Hootin Anni said...

Fantastic masks!! Kudos to their artistic talents!

Without their masks tho...darling gals!

Nancy Chan said...

What a wonderful and fun time together making the masks! You are so blessed to be enjoy the 3 girls' company.

George said...

The girls made some beautiful masks. It looks as if everyone had a lot of fun.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny your girls are so beautiful - I miss a girl granddaughter. So different than boys - but I love the boys too. Speaking of love - I love your haircut too.

Tamago said...

Dara and Jazz are both so pretty! What a bright smile of Dara and Jazz is a great model :-) They made such cute masks. Looks like everyone had a great time :-)

Bobbie said...

What fun!! These girls are growing!! So sweet... and it's always good to see your smiling face, Ginny.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These girls are growing up fast and they are so cute.

photowannabe said...

How precious. There is nothing like the grandkids and projects to work on together.
My two oldest Grands are way beyond the project stage ages 19 and 24...but I had a wonderful very emotional conversation on the phone with the oldest one. Heartbreak is never easy at any age.
So glad she called her Grandma and Papa to fill us in on her life.
Sometimes the ones we love have worn a mask and the reveal isn't so pretty.
Wish my sweet Grand was closer so I could give her a huge hug.

DeniseinVA said...

Your granddaughters are all so very cute, and must have been fun to make those masks. Loved the photo of you with them :) They are building great memories of their days with grandma and grandpa :)

Karen said...

Jazz and Dara are beautiful. I love the masks. I know you all had so much fun!


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