Just a post to let you know we are O.K. No weather damage! Our next dangerous weather is to be Friday. But today our cat Simba ate plastic Easter grass. The vet made him throw up, to no avail. He got lots of shots, and now is home with orders for us to watch him. The vet said this could turn bad at any time. As soon as this latest crisis is over, I will resume blogging. Hope to see you soon!
The cat could very well be
man's best friend, but would never stoop to admitting it.
~Doug Larson
Oh no, poor Simba. Hope all goes well.
Let's hope it passes through, you really don't want the op that Rupert had to have for the stuck fur ball. Fingers crossed.
Sorry to hear about Simba. I hope he will be okay.
prayers for Simba to pass that grass through the system and to be safe. hang in there and keep up the mantra this to shall pass. got that one from my mother
Glad to hear you are ok!
Try not to worry too much. When I was about 7 the neighbor's dog ate my knee-high nylon Fonzie sock. I am not making that up. I was outside putting my roller-skates on and the sock was lying there next to me. He came over and ate it. No one believed me until he pooped it out several days later. Dog was fine.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Simba. I hope the plastic grass will pass through without any problem.
And I hope you won't be affected by bad weather on Friday. xo
So sorry about your cat! Hope he gets over this!
The weather is crazy, isn’t it? Glad to hear you are okay!
Seems when things happen, they all come at one tine. Trust things will improve soon.
Oh my goodness, how very worrying, do hope Simba will weather this storm, sending him prayers and hugs.
I hope all is well with Simba...
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