Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Return Of The Pillows

You may remember when I showed you this snowman made from pillows. It is in front of a local barber shop.

Well, they have left the pillows in the same place, and made the snowman into an Easter bunny!

“Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow.”
 ~Philip Gulley


Linda said...

How clever!!!!

Nancy Chan said...

So creative and its such a cuddly Easter bunny! Have a blessed weekend!

Small Kucing said...

Very creative of them. I like the bunny more

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Very eye catching

Ann said...

Well isn't he cute. That's a pretty good multi purpose decoration. I wonder if it'll turn into anything else

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a great and cute idea. love the bunny, especially the fuzzy face

Rose said...

That is funny and cute and creative!

Hootin Anni said...

I like this!

George said...

Both creations were very artistic and cute.

LV said...

You are the best at keeping us entertained with your finds.

Tamago said...

Oh that is so clever! What a fantastic transformation from snowman into Easter bunny :-) Bunny is very pretty with a nice hat and beautiful flowers!

Chatty Crone said...

OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT! Who did you make it for? Who was the genius who thought of the duck?

And the pillow quote was awesome......

The Feminine Energy said...

How darling! And I definitely see a ghost for Halloween too... and a patriotic something for the 4th of July. Out of simple pillows. Amazing! Love, Andrea xoxo

photowannabe said...

what an amazing quote and really how true it is.
The pillow figure is so fun and very clever.

Sandi said...

Love the saying!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a creative use for old pillows.

L. D. said...

These are such a lot of fun.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...