They have just changed it a bit for fall. I think I like it better the other way, as it is almost too cluttered now.
This is the side of the house.
We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...
I love front porches. We had a small one when I was growing up and it was the site of talent shows with my next door neighbors. We weren't especially talented, but we had a lot of fun.
Porches with personality! I love that!
I like it. 1st way better tho.
I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! and I am not a decorator. I would like to have this person do this to mine. but then think about all the cleaning it would involve. I still love it
I think it's neat what has been done with this little porch.
Some people have a knack for making anything look beautiful...and this person is one of those. BTW, I am not.
Well first of all that is my color and I agree with you - I love it too - and she has a knack just for the right pieces for the right places.
Cute! :)
That looks very cute and cozy.
I like that. It's bigger than the front porch I have. I would love to be able to do something like that.
Hi Ginny oh i love the aqua colour what a beautiful porch ,i love it all xx
I agree with you, much too cluttered.
I like the colors. I do love looking at porches.
So sweet. I love the idea of sitting out on the stoop and having the neighbors stop and sit for a while in the hot weather. People don’t really do that anymore. Every one is cooped up inside watching TV in the air conditioning. Sometimes I wish we could go back.
You are right. The touches of blue (aqua) tied everything together. The changes subtracted much of the charm. But at least they decorate. We enjoy our two porches but they are not decorated except lights in the Christmas season.
What a delightful little porch they've created. But I'm with you, I like the first one better before all the clutter.
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