Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Come along and spend the day with me! See me waving through the car window as we leave?

First we went to vote. Was there voting where you live?

After that we went to help a church senior who has fallen twice. Trying to get a "Fallen & can't get up" app on his cell phone. We passed beautiful fields & barns.

The moon was up in the day!

This is why the Canada Geese were still out feeding under the moon.

After stopping at the grocery store, the sun was setting.

As we pulled into our neighborhood it was not even evening yet, yet getting dark. 

“Divine Nature gave the fields, human art built the cities.”
~Marcus Terentius


Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for the excursion. You find and capture some amazing scenes.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ginny great pics,no we didnt have voting in our country,you take the most amazing pics xx

DeniseinVA said...

Your photos are always great but I loved these moonshots. They are amazing and sharp, showing all its craters! How sweet of you both to visit the church senior who fell. I'm sure your visit was much appreciated and welcomed. We voted at the high school, and then to give ourselves a treat we had breakfast at IHOP. We went to the post office to mail an overseas parcel to my niece (for Christmas), and back home for us. The rest of the day went so fast :)

Nancy Chan said...

Looks like a great day you had. Beautiful fall colours and capturing great moon photos with your camera. Gorgeous sunset!

Ann said...

Always nice to spend the day with you. Were you able to get an app for the church friend who fell?
Most people don't like when it gets dark early like that but it really doesn't bother me. I go to bed pretty early so I never mind.

Rose said...

Ih. Ginny! So many beautiful shots. Loved and enjoyed them all.

Hootin Anni said...

Great people you are. I love reading the feel good blogs of kindness...helping those in need. And your photos are super. I like the dusk shot most tho...bright lights of the evening.

Tamago said...

Oh the church senior must be very grateful for your help. That app sounds very useful. I love the tone of colors in Canada Geese photos under the moon. But of course, I love all your beautiful photos :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I...LOVE...That first SHOT!!!! truly I do... you may have given me an idea for a header. I want to do something different for a new permanent header. so much beauty while you spent your day and you captured a good piece of each thing you saw.... hope the senior will be ok.... living alone is not good for us seniors

George said...

You got some great phoos of the moon. Thanks for taking us along with you.

LV said...

The time changes in Texas twice a year and I have a hard time adjusting to it. It gets dark too early. You always share some of the most unique finds.

Lois said...

Wonderful photos! I may need that app myself.

Natalia said...

Wow,those trees are stunning!☺

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - you and Phil had a full day - from morning to night. Amazing. Loved the leaves - loved the moon and everything in between!

Bobbie said...

Beautiful Beautiful pictures as always!! You take the best moon pics!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I do love to see those CANADA Geese!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...