Monday, November 11, 2019

The Bluebird

This mural took me by surprise.  It is rather unsettling. Any ideas on the meaning?


Ann said...

A different mural that's for sure. Too bad there wasn't any kind of explanation of what it's meaning is. When I see it I don't get a sense that the bird is being harmed though. It makes me think either that the hands are helping a broken wing or maybe tagging it?

crafty cat corner said...

I'm not sure if I like this or not. My Dad used to keep birds and he used to spread their wings to make sure they were okay, but it is a kind of disturbing image.

Gayla said...

That is quite a mural. I see the large and powerful hands of a protector and warrior trying to fix the broken wing of a bird who just doesn't want to be helped. In that struggle for freedom, the protector's use of force is actually hurting the bird around the neck... Plenty of icy rain is falling into their lives, but the hands and bulk of the protector are getting most of the burden. Looks as if he is used to it as those rough hands are weathered and old, hairy and dripping wet. The bird just doesn't have a clue and will harbor bad vibes toward its fixer-upper after this, never seeing the reason or associating the fixed wing with the pain it endured... even blaming the "One Saviour" who protects...

lol... that's what I see.... Sounds familiar, huh?

Hootin Anni said...

It could be a depiction of helping hands?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to me, it means the hands are saving the little bluebird from the cold, maybe helping with a broken wing.. helping hands is what I see. that said it is not the average mural for sure...

George said...

I agree with the idea that the mural depicts helping hands. I also like the quote you've shared with us.

Chatty Crone said...

Of course I LOVE that mural. Did you know if a bird poops on you - some people say it is good luck?

Tamago said...

It's unsettling indeed. I'm hoping the situation is that a person is helping the bird, which may be injured or needing help.

Ruth Hiebert said...

My first thoughts were that this bird may be getting a tag, so it can. be tracked.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

The bird doesn't seem to be struggling or in pain. Maybe it's being tagged?

Lois said...

I like to think those hands are helping that beautiful bird.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ginny i feel he might be helping the bird. Love the pretty blue ,awesome painting xx

LC said...

First impression was that the bluebird was being tagged for scientific study, but those hands hint at a more sinister message.

Rose said...

I immediately thought the bird was being helped...

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...