Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year 2021

 Happy New Year to all my awesome blog followers!

“Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new... but who can understand and measure its sharp breath, its mystery and its design?”


“Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve.  Middle age is when you're forced to.” 

~Bill Vaughn

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 This is the painting that I hang in the living room during the winter.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A House For Simba

We bought Simba a house for Christmas! The cost was very low. It is made of cardboard, and you have to put it together.

Both the roof and the floor inside are textured for scratching. As soon as it was built, he went right inside. He loves it! Kind of gives the term "Home For Christmas" new meaning.

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Gifts

Now we have arrived at Christmas day and the gifts! We all opened them, then had a big Zoom meeting! I was trying to photograph the gifts, but the new giant gnome had taken them and would not let them go!

After reminding him that he wouldn't have a home without us, he relented and let go of some. 

This birch tree fabric bag matches the birch ornament with my initial and sparkles.

This photo collage is on a really think piece of bamboo, maybe 2" thick. So you can either stand it up or hang it. It is heavy!

"Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons."

  ~Ruth Ann Schabacker

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Masked Giving

The day before Christmas eve, our family came over with their gifts. We all wore masks, and exchanged gifts on the front stoop. Here is Phil waiting for them; he always makes the best out of anything.

I took some pictures,  then we all brought our gifts home; to be opened on Christmas day. To be continued...

What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.

 ~Eleanor Powell

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Day 2020

 It all started here.

And ended here.

And in between is the path.

Which leads to only this.

Wishing you all a lovely and safe Christmas. I will be taking a few days off.

Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they shall name Him Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.”

Matthew 1

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Cat & Penguins Are Ready!

 The Big Cat is all ready for Christmas! And he is still wearing his mask.

He brought along some friends this year.

And on this house not too far away, look closely. What do you see?

Penguins in a hot air balloon! Up, up and away!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Wreaths That Weren't

 These wreaths were hanging up with the others, ready to be bid on to raise money for the Cancer Center. Except...they are not really wreaths! No matter, they are still creative. I would think they are much harder to make than an actual wreath!

Christmas Horseshoe


Christmas Horse

And my favorite, a Christmas Chicken!

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Story Of a Gnome

 I have to say that I am...

I have been buying a few. Some to put out now, and some Easter ones. Here are a few on the end table.

This was all well and good... but then, I saw a special gnome. Very pretty in pink. He was huge though! But...

In fact, they all ganged up on me and made me buy him. See how big he is, what was I thinking?

But girls just gotta have SOME fun in the time of Covid. I put him on the love seat to be a throw pillow. He likes it there, and I can't make him leave.

Well, they say to...

So all I have to say is...

A Political Halloween

Some people around here are combining their Halloween decorations with their voting signs! I guess it is one way to make people look! I like...