Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Cat & Penguins Are Ready!

 The Big Cat is all ready for Christmas! And he is still wearing his mask.

He brought along some friends this year.

And on this house not too far away, look closely. What do you see?

Penguins in a hot air balloon! Up, up and away!


Nancy Chan said...

Fun and cute Christmas decorations. Enjoy your Christmas celebration but don't forget to wear your mask and social distancing. Have a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year 2021. Take care and stay safe.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm lovin' it all!!

Ann said...

What fun decorations. I love the penguins in the hot air balloon.

Rose said...

I so love that big cat! Love all the decorations, too.

Martha said...

They are all adorable!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we rise by lifting others!!! I LOVE IT! the penquins are adorable and beautiful at the same time... glad to see the cat is safe from the virus.

George said...

I'm glad to see that the cat is still staying safe. I love the quote.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures, of your area decorations!

Gentle hugs,
and Wishes for a Peaceful
Eve of Christmas,
and Christmas Day,
to you and yours...

photowannabe said...

Cute cat in the mask. Love the reflection in the door.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

L. D. said...

Fun porches to see, thanks.

Tamago said...

Always love seeing the Big Cat and his outfit! Good that he is wearing the mask :-D Penguins in the hot air balloon are adorable! Wonderful Christmas decoration!

NanaDiana said...

Looks like a happy group at your house! Love Big Cat and all his friends. Have a wonderful blessed Christmas! xo Diana

Jeanette said...

Cute decorations! Merry Christmas!

Susan said...

I like your decorations, Merry Christmas!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Fun pictures. Hope your christmas is filled with love.

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet and yes fun! Thanks Ginny :)

Anne Robinson said...

Fun photos! Wonderful happy and filled with smiles for the season.

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