Monday, December 21, 2020

The Story Of a Gnome

 I have to say that I am...

I have been buying a few. Some to put out now, and some Easter ones. Here are a few on the end table.

This was all well and good... but then, I saw a special gnome. Very pretty in pink. He was huge though! But...

In fact, they all ganged up on me and made me buy him. See how big he is, what was I thinking?

But girls just gotta have SOME fun in the time of Covid. I put him on the love seat to be a throw pillow. He likes it there, and I can't make him leave.

Well, they say to...

So all I have to say is...


CheerfulMonk said...

I love him sitting there! It warms my heart, thanks for sharing.

Ann said...

All your gnomes are adorable and I love your pink gnome. I'm glad you got him. He looks quite comfy on your loveseat.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! What an early GIFT for you!...:)jp

Hootin Anni said...

I really, REALLY like them!! It looks great lounging on the striped loveseat!! Beware...they multiply!!

DeniseinVA said...

I love your gnomes Ginny, and sweet sayings. Thanks for sharing them, they put a smile on my face this morning 😊

Nancy Chan said...

They are cute and nice to hug especially the big pink gnome.

Martha said...

I love them and especially the big one. He's found a perfect spot too!

Rose said...

He is just so would have been hard for me to resist, and I don't buy stuff like that hardly at all.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think you bought him because of his hat. I LOVE that HAT... plus he can stay out all winter, he is not jsut for Christmas. my favorite is the gray one in set of 3, the one whose hat looks like a pinecone full of snow.. I say you did the right thing, grab joy where you find it.. maybe I WILL buy the laptop desk i have been looking at 3 times a day on amazon. but it wears no cute hat

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I love Gnomes, Tompkins, whatever one wants to call them!!!!! Yours are adorable, especially the pink one!!!!!!!!

We had one, and he seems to have run away. -sigh-

He is too big to hide. I did not find him, in the decorations. -sigh-sigh-sigh-

Soooooo, guess we did not love him enough... And he ran away.

Hope he found a home, he liked better. -sigh-



photowannabe said...

Darling gnomes...never saw a pink one before. He looks so comfy in your love seat.
I love gnomes but am afraid to start collecting them..I won't know when to stop.

DawnTreader said...

Gnomes for Easter?!?? That's something I've never heard of. This big one seems dressed for winter though, even if pink is an unusual colour! ;)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like that pink one, but then i like most anything in pink.

Chatty Crone said...

I would enjoy that pretty in pink gnome too! Love it.

L. D. said...

It is a wonderful gnome. Enjoy it.

Jenny the Pirate said...

He's SOOOOO cute, Ginny! I would have found him irresistible too, and I don't even collect gnomes! And you don't want to get me started, haaahaha! All of your gnomes are awesome though. Merry Christmas week! xoxo

Mari said...

I love gnomes - they make me smile! That pink one is soooo cute!

Shug said...

I love these adorable little gnomes. I've been collecting some this year as well. Saw some cute Valentine gnomes today. So very cute

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Aww, he's so cute.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love gnomes and yours are so cute. I love the big pink soft one. He looks nice to cuddle up with on your loveseat.

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