Sunday, December 27, 2020

Masked Giving

The day before Christmas eve, our family came over with their gifts. We all wore masks, and exchanged gifts on the front stoop. Here is Phil waiting for them; he always makes the best out of anything.

I took some pictures,  then we all brought our gifts home; to be opened on Christmas day. To be continued...

What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.

 ~Eleanor Powell


The Feminine Energy said...

That's as good as it gets this year, isn't it, Ginny. It stinks (but your pictures are wonderful)!! This Christmas was a nightmare to me... and I can't help but be a little bitter at those who disregarded everyone else and gathered anyway, as if the pandemic didn't exist. I probably shouldn't even post this comment but you know what? I'm going to hit "publish" anyway. In some small way it will make me feel a bit better. As bad as I feel that you folks endured the same thing, please know we were in the same boat with you. When we hear the news in a month of how overwhelmed the hospitals are, at least we will know we didn't help cause it! ~Andrea XOXO

Hootin Anni said...

Such a sad year it's been for families. There is a bright side to all least your family lost no-one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a great idea.. and this family portrait will go down in the 2020 history books and I pray they never have to have another Christmas with mask.. Phil looks like Santa with his mask down. it makes a beard

Ann said...

I'm glad you were able to spend at least a little bit of time with your family.

Martha said...

I'm so glad you were able to spend a little time together with your beautiful family. Great photos Ginny. This has been such a rough year. I pray this will all be over soon. Stay safe!

George said...

Christmas celebrations were certainly different this year. Hopefully we can return to normal next year.

Chatty Crone said...

Wow I looked at that photo and thought what a different world we live in. We won't forget this year will we?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

What a lovely way, to exchange presents.... -smile- You managed to make the best of it, in nice weather.

Yes, these pictures will be amazing, by next year, I hope. For all of us, to look back on this year+ of masking... Will be very interesting, to say the least!


Tamago said...

It's wonderful that you got to see each other in person safely even if it was for a short time. Your granddaughters are adorable :-)

photowannabe said...

Beautiful photos of your precious Granddaughters.
Love the one of Phil patiently waiting Christmas.
Happy New Year

Rose said...

I bet you long for the day that you all can just be together! At least you got to see them all.

I love that quote.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a sad Christmas it has been for us all. I love your quote though...what we become is our gift to God. I love to read your blog posts about the way your family shows love for one another. Merry Christmas.

Anne Robinson said...

You can see the smiles shining through. We exchanged gifts with Jeremy's brood this way too. We are very cautious but sometime others feel like they are cautious but when you are around others in a store or church, you never know who is spreading their germs. Not everyone is honest and upfront. I just pray and do all the things I can to stay safe & healthy. We are having very cold weather again and some lightly falling snow. I made a crock pot of Hearty Cowboy soup. So many yummy veggies. So I am happy. Thank you for being a kind friend. I enjoy your visits. Hoping you stay healthy and happy and enjoy the New year celebration. We do quiet so nothing will change for us this year. Happy Monday! HUGS to you and yours across the miles

Ruth Hiebert said...

It's good to see that you found a way to exchange gifts in a safe manner.

Nancy Chan said...

Glad that you and family exchanged gifts and were able to see each other even for a short while. We know everyone is smiling behind the masks. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

DeniseinVA said...

You all made the most of it, looks like a great get-together under the circumstances. Loved the photos. That first photo of Phil and your comment gave me a big smile :)

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