I managed to get some shots of the March full moon, called the full Worm Moon. I even caught it as it rose. But we also spotted a mystery in the sky, which I will show you next time.
Fishing is the sport
of drowning worms.
~Author Unknown
I managed to get some shots of the March full moon, called the full Worm Moon. I even caught it as it rose. But we also spotted a mystery in the sky, which I will show you next time.
Fishing is the sport
of drowning worms.
~Author Unknown
Last week, the sun was shining just right on my bunny mug sugar holder. It made a rainbow on the mug and the counter top! Coffee & rainbows for me!
"Don't miss all the
beautiful colors of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold."
~Author Unknown
I just happened to come across a list of award winnig photos. Here are three of my favorites.
Parrotfish Eye
Great Horned Owl. The photo is named "Flying Saucer".
Bald Cypress Trees in Texas.
“I think a
photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because
it makes you see the world rather than just look at it.”
~Author Unknown
The Pier 1 here closed down. It did not make it, due to Covid. And they did NOT even have a closing sale!! How is your Pier 1 doing? I could count on one hand the things I purchesed there, but they still had unusual items you could not find anywhere else. I liked walking thru and looking, which is how I came to take these pictures of some of my favorite things there.
This is actually the top of a little table.
“Whoever said money
can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.”
~Bo Derek
I find that trees get better with age. These trunks have so much going on! Not just straight and tall and boring. Each one different, kinda like people.
The woods roar, the
waters shine, and the hills look invitingly near. You do not miss the flowers
and the songsters, or wish the trees or fields any different, or heavens any
nearer. Every object pleases.... the straight light-gray trunks of the trees...
how curious they look, and as if surprised in undress.
~John Burroughs, "Winter Sunshine"
I have no idea, but there's always something weird there. All taken at different times.
human beings are very dark, strange things.
Mel Giedroyc
So, here is how I have decorated for ths Easter. Even though no one has been visiting, due to Covid.
Living room first.
Kitchen next.
Coffee Corner
I lied on my Weight
Watchers list. I put down that I had 3 eggs... but they were Cadbury chocolate
eggs. ~Caroline Rhea
We recently drove through the outdoor art park, and saw these. They are always right on point with current events, so I don't understand what this has to do with Easter. It all looks more like Christmas! But they have been open all thru Covid, so I do not have a clue.
“Flowers whisper
"Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.”
~ Dr. SunWolf
On the same trip, we saw these skateboarders. Two cute kids on scooters with their mom, waiting at a light.
And then I was shocked to see this older gentleman on a skateboard! But wait, he was going faster than the speed of light, bending with curves and winding in between things. It was motorized!
“You didn’t quit skateboarding because you got old, you got old because you quit skateboarding.”
– Jay Adams
I had no idea I had taken so many green photos until I started looking for them. These are all from my posts of the past. do you have a favorite? Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
O, the red rose
shineth rare,
And the lily saintly fair;
But my shamrock, one in three,
Takes the inmost heart of me!
~Katharine Tynan, "Shamrock Song"
I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...