Monday, March 15, 2021

Tiny Free Pantry

 You know the tiny free libraries that pop up in various outdoor places? Well, we recently passed a tiny free pantry! I wish I could have checked it out better, but we were driving on a busy street. There were boxes with some food in them on the ground underneath. I hope there was more behind the door. What a great idea! And I do hope only people who really need the food use it.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…”

Matthew 25


Ella said...

We also have in the Netherlands and we call the "Minibieb"! Very handy! There is also a mini library at the local supermarket ... But putting food on the street is prohibited!

Hootin Anni said...

I've seen these around here. I'm not sure about the sanitary conditions of any tho.

Ann said...

There is one of these at the end of my street. It's a bit wider than this one with a see through door. I have never seen anyone use it but it sure is a great idea.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'll keep my eyes open for something like that around here, Ginny. It is a wonderful idea and I'm sure many people use it!!

Reanaclaire said...

Yeah, a good idea especially for those unfortunate.... over here, I think it is a bit difficult cos it always rain in the late afternoon these days unless they are put on the pavement...

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how fun and so very kind. ~Andrea xoxo

Martha said...

I've heard about people seeing those. I haven't seen any around here, but then again I don't get out and about much these days. It's a great idea.

Rose said...

I was wondering about the weather...but it is a good idea.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was about to say we don't have these here but then I realized if they did not put it on my walk route or front yard I would never see it. People who need food, as in the homeless, don't care about santiary, besides cans and boxes are closed so no worries about that. I hope the people who need help know it is there and I like the idea a lot

Jenny the Pirate said...

I saw one of these outside Bert's Market in Folly Beach, South Carolina ... although it seemed to be specifically for bread. Great idea. xoxo

crafty cat corner said...

We do have food banks over here, sadly they are much needed by a lot of people but I haven't seen any like yours.

George said...

This is a neat idea. The need is so great now that every little bit helps.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Guess I'm always the contrarian....

But this doesn't seem a very good idea, to me.

Outside, for animals to nibble on, for one thing. Who checks for expiration dates? Or contamination? Etc.

There are well run community places, to procure food and clothing.

At first blush, it sounds like a lovely idea. "Feed the hungry" and all that. But look closer, it's not so good an idea.

Contribute to your local groups, which feed the needy, as a community project.


Inger said...

I love the thoughtfulness. And the Bible quote. You find the most wonderful things on your drives.

Jeanette said...

We saw one in the subdivision where my brother lives. It started out being a food pantry but the last time I looked it had been turned into a book library. My guess is people were probably taking advantage of the free food that didn't need it.

DeniseinVA said...

I hear they are popping up everywhere. So good to see! Thanks for sharing this Ginny. Love the verse from the Bible also.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have seen the little libraries in town, but this is a novel idea.

Mari said...

We have one of those in our town. Such a great idea!

Carla from The River said...

We have one of those in a neighboring community. They have toilet paper too.

CheerfulMonk said...

Here we have a food bank that people can donate to. Whatever helps is good.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh I love that idea.

Nancy Chan said...

I like this idea about leaving something for the needy people but I think it is only practical in some places. I am afraid before the needy person could get these free stuffs, they will all be gone.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful verse with this share. We recently found out our city is setting up water bottle stations so people may refill rather than keep buying bottles. Nick and I drink Life water but we also buy bottled for barbeques and phamily gatherings. Avery and I do have reusable water bottles and it makes life easy. I fill mine at least three times a day. My daughter says these pantry sites are popping up around too. Downtown Denver has an extremely large homeless population, Nick worked in a Men's Shelter a few years ago so the need is very great, I am going to carry gift cards so a person can go have a nice meal instead of handing over cash. We saw a homeless gentleman at CRacker Barrel a few years ago. He looked so hopeless and the weather was bone chilling. We told the cashier who already was making arrangements for food for him. We saw him eating from the window and made us feel better to know he was warm and eating a hot meai. Nick said many men at the shelter told him they only wished more people would be kind and make eye contact, Many are just down on their luck. When we use to attend basbebakll games in the summer time we saw many of them interacting with the police who treat them kindly. It is always nice to see. Thanks for sharing.

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