Thursday, March 18, 2021

Skateboard Weather

 On the same trip, we saw these skateboarders. Two cute kids on scooters with their mom, waiting at a light.

And then I was shocked to see this older gentleman on a skateboard! But wait, he was going faster than the speed of light, bending with curves and winding in between things. It was motorized!

“You didn’t quit skateboarding because you got old, you got old because you quit skateboarding.”

 – Jay Adams



Chatty Crone said...

Haha like the quote - not sure it is true for me tho!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Haaahaa good for them. I would have missing teeth and/or a broken limb if I attempted that! xoxo

Gayla said...

Looks like fun, but that is one thing I have never done... and will not unless you count hooking a piano dolly up to a folding chair! I did that once! in 1972!!!! lol

CheerfulMonk said...

No skateboards for me! I prefer to spend my old age in one piece. 🙂

Nancy Chan said...

Nice to see people on skateboards. I wouldn't dare try because I am afraid of falling and hurting myself. Have to do it when young.

Reanaclaire said...

Wow he looks cool too! He must be waiting for his family to cross... Yes, at our age, we cannot afford to fall... hahaha..

Ann said...

I don't think I would do very well on a regular skateboard. No telling how dangerous a motorized one would be for me.

Rose said...

Laughing st Cheerful Monks comment. I agree with her.

Ella said...

I'm old but I don't skateboard! Never did! LOL

Hootin Anni said...

I'm right beside Cheerful Monk on this one!!!

Martha said...

I tried many times when I was younger, even when m kids were little but never could get the hang of it. I think I'd still try again!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with my balance issues, no skateboarding, but I do like the color coordinated, handsome guy on the motorized one. Bob would love to get on that one.. glad to see the mom staying with the kids, we see them sometimes alone on our busy street and it scares me for them... i always had the desire to do these type things but never could

George said...

There's a lot of truth in your quote. I didn't know they made motorized skateboards.

Inger said...

I just love the way you compose the photos in your blog. In this case, the color blue is dominant, and where's can you find the best blue ever to compliment that: In the sky of course. Love it!

The Feminine Energy said...

WOW... a motorized skateboard! I never knew anything like that existed! How cool is that?! ~Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Motorized!?!?! Wow!

But he obviously is in good shape!!!! -smile-


My Tata's Cottage said...

This is a very happy post for Friday! YAY for Friday! You asked about our front yard. Yep that was us with over 2 feet of snow piled up. 27 inches exactly. Suppose to get into the 50's tomorrow and 60's by SONday so we will wait and see.
It has been a crazy busy week here so looking forward to more of the same this weekend with my hubby. So much to do outdoors when the weather warms.
hope your weekend is wonderful Thanks for the smiles.

Linda said...

My kids had skateboards! Not I......

Ruth Hiebert said...

That older man just proves that age is more a state of mind than anything else.

Jeanette said...

My son was big into skateboarding when he was a teenager. He tried to get me on one once but I took one step on and decided I valued my life more!

Mari said...

I would probably fall off and break a leg! I'm impressed!

DeniseinVA said...

Love the quote and well captured scenes. I don't think I would trust myself on a motorized skateboard!

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