Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Afton Mountain

 We live at the very foot of Afton Mountain, and have to go over it fairly often. This first picture is what we see when coming home. It is on the very top of the mountain, looking down at the valley we live in.

Here are some other shots of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

A song of ascents.

 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
 My help comes from the Lord,

    the Maker of heaven and earth.

 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;

Psalm 121


Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful shots of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I like your blog header too.

Ella said...

Gorgeous shots of Blue Ridge Mountains!
I love the mountains so much, but we don't have mountains in the Netherlands!

Hootin Anni said...

Sensational color and gorgeous scenic views!

Ann said...

What a beautiful area you live in. Such scenic views.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been a lot of years since i saw a valley or a mountain. i miss them. we do have the sunshine skyway and the view from the top looking down is amazing.

Martha said...

How gorgeous! You really live in a beautiful area Ginny!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

First, let me thank you, for saying my blog is pretty (yesterday). I say 'yesterday', because I change it so often. -smile- Thank you so much!

I did think it is pretty, and soft. The look I was going for, after finding the pretty pic, which I used to make my Background. Not being able to find a soft pic, to go with the Background, I rotated the Background, on its side, and make my Header, of it!!!!

I can go into such detail here, because I know you really appreciate how your blog looks. And so, appreciate how others, work on How Their Blog Looks. -smile-

I so appreciate your being, in Pretty Blog Land!

🌸 🌷 🌺 🌸 🌷 🌺 🌸 🌷

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how gorgeous, Ginny! I can't even imagine! We live in the endlessly flat land of northern Indiana. Not a mountain in sight except when driving past the landfill on the south end of town. :-D ~Andrea xoxo

photowannabe said...

Beautiful place to live and the perfect verse to go with the photos.

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful!!! Because I was born and raised on a dairy farm, the farm photo is my favorite.
xx oo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Lovely Blog Look....

Your Header and Blog Look today! Beautiful, majestic, lovely...

🌸 🌷 🌺 🌸 🌷 🌺 🌸 🌷

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️

Jenny the Pirate said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely! There's such peace when living in sight of mountains. xoxo

George said...

You definitely live in a beautiful area.

Mari said...

It's so pretty there! I love a mountain view. Such a beautiful Psalm too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You live in an area of beautiful scenery.

Chatty Crone said...

What a gorgeous color.
My eyes look up into the Lord!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have always wanted to visit the Blue Ridge mountains. Every picture I’ve seen is so beautiful. Also, I used to love the Waltons and that is where they lived.

Jeanette said...

So beautiful! I love when we drive through the mountains on one of our road trips!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful scenes, great photos!

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