I find that trees get better with age. These trunks have so much going on! Not just straight and tall and boring. Each one different, kinda like people.
The woods roar, the
waters shine, and the hills look invitingly near. You do not miss the flowers
and the songsters, or wish the trees or fields any different, or heavens any
nearer. Every object pleases.... the straight light-gray trunks of the trees...
how curious they look, and as if surprised in undress.
~John Burroughs, "Winter Sunshine"
Very interesting tree. I can see a big hand holding down some dwarfs. It looks like so many characters blended into one. Have a great day.
I find it amazing the things a tree can overcome and still grow tall and strong. That is quite an angle that tree is growing at.
I'm wondering how, if the tree was "trained" by rope & bars when young...like some landscapers do.
MASSIVE tree in that last photo!
this photo of Phil and the AMAZING tree is my most favorite of him for all the years we have known each other. it is FANTASTIC.. awesome in face.. I just sat and stared at that tree in the header and then at the joy on Phils face and felt JOY
Oh wow, those are very cool!
I LOVE those tree trunks!
Great quote from Burroughs and that tree is magnificent!!!
I see so many things in the trunk of the tree that Phil is standing by. Do you see the dog? This is amazing...
I'm surprised that tree is still standing the way it's leaning over!
You found some fascinating tree trunks. I really like your header photo.
I take it, you mean, not only the tree, but your husband...
"Miss BB"
Those are such neat trees Ginny! Thank you for sharing! Carla
Those trees are AWESOME!
What a fantastic photo of your sweet Husband.
Love everything about it.
Trees are amazing and have so many different "Outfits" to wear.
Right now my Hubby isn't very fond of trees...
These are great old trees. Many of those old trees have so much character .
I also love funky looking trees,Ginny! In fact, I just ordered a tree for our yard. Of course, it will only be 5-6' upon arrival. However, it can reach 100' with an enormous canopy spread also, I'm told!...jp
It has aged in an interesting way. Lots of twits and turns.
I love old trees too. Your header shot is so cool!
The trunks of trees are incredibly interesting and varied. It's too bad most people pay so little attention to them.
Wow those ARE some unusual trees! Trees are so amazing. I am afraid of one falling on me though ... the horror stories of when it happens, often seem to reach my ears. A couple out in Oregon were killed by a falling redwood, just a few days ago. They left five children. xoxo
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