Monday, April 12, 2021


 This Canada goose happens to be very mad. Not only that, he is mad at US! Here he is sizing us up as we pass in the car.

I think we were intruding on his space because we were not going fast enough.

So he began running beside us, putting his neck in the fighting position, and sticking his tongue out. We were only birdwatching, but this bird did NOT want to be watched.

Phil thinks it likely that his mate had a nest close by, and he was defending it. Good Dad!

Enough with the stress, birdie, we're OUTA here!

"Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge."

Ephesians 4


Rose said...

I would be glad I was in the car and not walking!

Reanaclaire said...

Wow, that was one angry bird! hahahaa... Yes, he is a good husband/father, no doubt about that!

Ann said...

Good thing you were in a car and not walking by. I've heard they can get very aggressive.

crafty cat corner said...

I like your quote saying that it's okay to get angry, I'm trying to temper my anger nowadays as it seems there is so much that is wrong in the world.

Hootin Anni said...

Yep, he's upset that you two are stepping too close to his territory. This time of year, Phil's right...nesting season.

DeniseinVA said...

I have had experience with these protective parents in waiting. Great captures!

Martha said...

Wow, he sure does look mad! I've heard they can be really mean. I'm glad you were in the car and not out walking!

Nancy Chan said...

Yes, that male goose is very angry and very protective. I have been chased by geese before and they can run very fast!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with Phil, it is mating season, he was either looking for love in all the right places OR proteting what came of the looking for love

Chatty Crone said...

I have been to a park before when they are there and they do get mad and they scare me!

George said...

That was quite an encounter you had with the goose. Great pictures.

Jeanette said...

Those Canada geese can be crazy! We have a lot of them around here and yes, they get aggressive when there is a next nearby!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


He looks like me, today.


Read my latest post!!!!!



photowannabe said...

Those geese are so territorial.
Best to keep on the action you captured of this guy giving you the business..(:0)

CheerfulMonk said...

We used to have nasty geese in a park nearby. I'm glad the new ones are friendlier!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That's funny. I had one chase my car once. Gave me a good laugh.

Mari said...

Glad you were in a car. I think you may have been bit otherwise!

Carla from The River said...

A good Daddy indeed! And I agree with Mari, good thing you were in the car!!
:-) Great photos my dear friend.
Love, Carla

Jenny the Pirate said...

Haaaha you rattled his/her chain but good! Yesterday Erica and I were taking a walk in my neighborhood and what do you know, there were two Canadians identical to yours, just hanging out pecking for worms in a random yard. I've been walking in my neighborhood for over fifteen years and have never seen a Canadian goose on the ground. First time for everything, I guess. They acted like we weren't even there. xoxo

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