Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 My big toe used to grow a double toenail. As soon as it would grow out, it would start again. Many years ago, a doctor took pictures of it to publish in a medical paper. But now they seem to be more common. Don't believe me? Here are pictures of it in different growth stages.

What made me think of this now? Well, I went to my podiatrist yesterday, for the first time since Covid. I have fungus on NINE toes!! Phil has had it on one toenail formany years, and lost his entire nail several times. The doctors say that even if they remove your entire nail, it can still come back!


Hootin Anni said...

Hmmmm, I've had ingrown toenails, but never heard of two nails-in-one.

Nancy Chan said...

This is something new to me. I have heard of ingrown toenail but not double toenail. I think I too have fungus on my left food toenails. Need to check with the doctor.

Reanaclaire said...

My first toe is also spoilt...LOL... Due to the kicking against my hard table, the nail came off last time and it grew again but not as original anymore...

Ann said...

I've never heard of having a double toenail. That's quite interesting. I wonder what causes that?

Rose said...

Me either on never hearing of a double toenail. I have that fungus on one toe!

Martha said...

That is really interesting, never heard of that before!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

how have we known each other since 2009 and i don't know this. also, i have never even heard of this or seen it before. my word! all this stuff that happens to our bodies is just crazy.. is doc treating the fungus? or can it be treated? does the nail just fall off or does it have to be removed?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Sooooo... What will the doc do about the fungus????

Can put men on the moon, and take pictures of far off stars. Why can't they cure nail fungus, for good?




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Beside a babbling brook... said...

Very pretty header and blog look, BTW! (By The Way)

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Jeanette said...

I think they have good medications for toenail fungus now. Hopefully it works for you!

photowannabe said...

Wow, you are quite unusual. Hope they can take care of your hubby has that on one of his toes too.
Our bodies are crazy things aren't they?

Maria said...

When you find that you have lost your way, that there is no way out for you, know that your strength must be in the Lord. He will sustain you, He will lead you to green pastures đź’–

Shug said...

I have never heard of this before....did your dr ever have a diagnosis for this? or why it might happen? I do hope they can get the fungus taken care of....

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is interesting . Hope those toes don’t bother you for walking.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's really interesting!

Mari said...

I know it's really hard to get rid of fungus in nails.
Your double toenail is interesting!

Carla from The River said...

Your double toe nail is interesting. My son Sam has curled toe nails!

DeniseinVA said...

Is it uncomfortable? I have never heard of that before seeing your photos.

Anne M Robinson said...

This is something new I learned just now. I have horrible toes. About 12 years ago a podiatrist who was highly recommened (HA) took two of my toenails off. It was a horrible experience with much pain. On my final visit he pinched my big toe on my left foot. I was in so much pain my husband had to help me walk to our vehicle. I now have this hard lump all these years later. Oh, it is a long awful story. But I think you that is cool you were written in a medical book. I worked in the medical at UCHSC so I learned a lot of things. Thanks for sharing with us Ginny.

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