I like to decorate for the seasons, and that includes our coffee corner. Here it is now for Spring. I wonder how many of you are drinking coffee right NOW?
I want to hear the
Of the old coffee pot;
I want to hear it hummin'
When it's gettin' good and hot;
I want to see the vapor rise,
Like incense in the room,
And float about a-fillin'
Every corner with perfume.
~John W. Fellows, "The Old Coffee Pot
Sure is a pretty coffee corner Ginny :)
I love coffee and love this blog.
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Me, I'm drinking coffee right now as I'm reading your post. I love your coffee corner and what a great idea to change it out with the seasons. Those mugs are really cute. Did they come with that rack?
Nope. I do not do any caffeine. Coffee, chocolate, tea. Even decaf has enough caffeine to trigger my heart rhythms.
Love how you decorate for the season.
What a pretty spring coffee corner. I love it!
I would enjoy a cup of coffee in your coffee corner.
I know it's late but just getting ready to have my first cup...I love that poem.
-clapping hands-
Had to show this, to my husband. Who owns an "old blue truck."
He would love to come to your house, to have a cup of coffee, and enjoy your decor!!!
And I just finished my decaf, which I have at the keyboard, every morning. After breakfast. -smile-
My grandmothers old coffee pot, from the era of the trucks on you cups, smelled so good. it was electric percolator, and hummed and jiggled . my parents were not coffee people. they each had one cups of instant coffee that was enough to gag me. your spring counter is beautiful and it has never occurred to me to decorate for seasons. it is a great idea. loving the truck
Georgeous, Ginny! I just finished my coffee. I have a milk frother just like yours, only mine is black. Your springy mugs are so cute! I use a French press (low tech) instead of a Keurig but I'm sure I would greatly enjoy having a cup of coffee in your kitchen ... also your poem reminded me of a percolator my mother had, which made the whole kitchen (and beyond) smell so divine. I bought a percolator a few years ago to make large amounts of coffee for parties, hoping it would smell the same ... it doesn't ... *sigh* xoxo
Me-me-me.... **waving my hand in the air** .... I'm drinking coffee!! :-) I love your little coffee corner, Ginny. It's so inviting! ~Andrea xoxo
Nice coffee corner!
I have one and like to have a coffee there!
Love your mugs and decor..
I'm actually drinking my 2nd cup of coffee while I'm reading your blog post.
Love all the springy looks.
I love your corner, but I don’t drink coffee.
Very cute decorations . No coffee for me after lunch.
So very cute!! I love coffee, but have not had a cup in a month or so. Trying to cut out caffeine as much as I possibly can...
Your coffee corner is very cute! I don't drink coffee, never learned to like it, but my husband enjoys it daily.
You have a pretty coffee corner. Cute coffee mugs. I just had Nescafe with chicken pie. Have a beautiful weekend.
Very pretty! I love those pretty mugs in the holder. I love coffee and would drink it all day if I could!
Love your coffee corner. I've had my morning coffee, maybe I'll some forluch now. My coffee doesn't have a corner of its own. The coffee maker just sits there, the cups in the cupboard, the milk in the fridge. Oh, well, it has the blender to one side and the breadbox to the other.
Oh, and I love that you found the coffee beans to decorate with.
I LOVE it!!!
I like your corner there, Ginny... the spring mugs are so sweet and soothing!
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