Wednesday, April 28, 2021

No Grass

 This house is a couple blocks away, and I try to post it every year. Why? Because they have no grass or lawn in their front yard. It is filled with tulp bulbs. The yard does not look good for most of the year, but it really shines for a few weeks in the spring. Here it is now

I fought the lawn and the lawn won.


Nancy Chan said...

Good that at least you get to enjoy the beautiful and colourful tulips even only for a few weeks.

Ann said...

I remember you posting this. It sure is pretty.

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty. Very pretty!!

Love the play on words from the song lyrics quote.

Rose said...

Oh, that would be fun to your last line.

George said...

At least it's prettier than artificial turf would be.

Chatty Crone said...

I would love to see what it looks like without the flowers. It is sure gorgeous now!

Martha said...

It's beautiful! You'll have to show us a photo of how it looks the rest of the year too.

LC said...

I am envious of that homeowner's beautiful blooms. But I am even more envious of you or whoever coined that closing sentence. Now I will have that Bobby Fuller Four version of Sonny Curtis' song "I Fought theLaw" in my head all day!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Too bad they do not have a succession of blooming flowers, planted, here and there. Then it would really be gorgeous, all summer long.

I dislike grass. I'd have wild flowers, where grass is. But then, me'thinks even a wild flower garden, needs care. Al ways have to pull out the true weeds. And in the spring, it is so hare to know, what's what.


The Feminine Energy said...

That's one way of getting out of mowing, for sure. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

Jeanette said...

That does look beautiful right now. If that was me I would try to plant things that bloom at different times of the year so it's ever changing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is beautiful , but I imagine after the flowers are done, it doesn’t look so good.

CheerfulMonk said...

It sure is gorgeous now. 😊

Jenny the Pirate said...

I fought the lawn and the lawn won ... haaaahahahaha I wish I'd said that!!! The tulips are nice but too bad they only last a few weeks ... xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

It’s beautiful!

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