We just finished this jigsaw a few days ago. Music Cats includes Elvis Purresley, Purrrince, and Tuna Turner.
To err is human
To purr feline.
~Robert Byrne, 1983
We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...
Great puzzles! I am making my rounds, trying to catch up with everyone. It seems I do not have enough hours in my days. Love this share, thank you
Yes, cute puzzles there....do they have dog puzzles instead of cats, I wonder...
OMG, this is adorable. How clever all those names are.
Cute puzzles. I love puzzles too.
These are delightful! I do love puzzles :)
This is funny...I love them!
This one is so cute, love it!
Awwwwwww, this is a sweet puzzle!!
I like this puzzle. Cute cats and cute names.
We never do puzzles. I am such a wimp. I would never be able to make myself try!!!!!!! -grin-
But many people, do love them. Which is wonderful/
*hahahaha* I love this puzzle, Ginny.... especially Dolly Purrton!! :-D ~Andrea xoxo
HaHa..these made me smile. Great play on words and I'm sure they were fun to do.
they are all cute, I think I like Dolly for my favorite.
I love that puzzle!
Very cute puzzle and I'm guessing it was a lot of fun to put together.
What a fun puzzle!
Awwwww! That's really cute and I bet it was fun to put together. I am a new cat lover xoxo
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