Thursday, September 23, 2021

Indian Summer?

 Wednesday was the first day of Astrological Autumn. But you would never kow it by looking around. It has remained very hot, and things are now starting to re-bloom! Climate change? Here is our Hydrangea now.

And here is our liliac bush, just starting to bloom AGAIN! Not that I'm complaining; I really miss the flowers and green grass in the dark of winter.

The rest are from around the neighborhood.

A Hibiscus, one of many still in full bloom.

The Moonflower bush.

The front of a garden center.

…What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back, with a hinge in it.

 ~Charles Dudley Warner


Ann said...

Looks like summer isn't ready to turn things over to fall just yet in your area. Your hydrangea are very pretty. Mine have all faded and are looking pretty droopy

Hootin Anni said...

Love the colors in your yard & around your neighborhood.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful hydrangea. Your garden is filled with beautiful flowers. Looking at them sure cheers us up.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is so very true about needing an iron back with a hinge. these are beautiful and now you know what it is like to live here in FL where things grow year round, they bloom and drop and bloom and drop and never go into winter hibernation..

Jeanette said...

Beautiful! Unfortunately that is not happening here! It's getting cold now! I wish my lilac would bloom again it smells so heavenly!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness those Hydrangea's are GORGEOUS! You have a beautiful yard and lovely neighborhood.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It does look like the seasons are confused. Beautiful flowers.

The Feminine Energy said...

Good lordy, Ginny... it looks like spring in your neck of the woods. Things are dying off rapidly here in northern-most Indiana. Enjoy your scenery!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

crafty cat corner said...

So you have to plant that blue hydrangea in special soil to keep it blue?

photowannabe said...

Beautiful blossoms everywhere. Enjoy them since they are an added blessing from the Lord.

George said...

We've had a couple of very cool nights (low 40s), but the days have been very mild. It's supposed to get warmer again.

Mari said...

Such pretty flowers! I love the blue of that hydrangea.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful photos--especially the hibiscus and the blue hydrangea flower. The colors are spectacular.

Rose said...

I dint know how I missed all these gorgeous flowers!

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photos, how lovely that your flowers are reblooming again. You find the best quotes!

Amaryllis Day 4

 The amaryllis has started to bloom! It looks like it will be white! “Plants are like people: they’re all different and a little bit strange...