Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Around The House

 It's time to show you some of my Easter decorations. This may be a longer post than usual, but I couldn't figure out what to leave out.

Coffee Corner

Kitchen Table

“On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.”

~Douglas Horton


DeniseinVA said...

I am happy you shared each one Ginny :) Loved them all!

Nancy Chan said...

Wow! Beautiful Easter decorations. Glad you didn't leave out any.

Hootin Anni said...

That Easter egg train with a gnome as head engineer has my vote!!!

Ann said...

I'm glad you showed it all. Your Easter decorations are adorable. That egg train with the gnome driving is so cute. Love the cups in your coffee corner too.

Rose said...

You have such cute decorations!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Each one of these is either cute or beautiful and also perfect. I love the carrots on the wreathe, they are amazing to me. love the bunny with lid at the coffee corner and my favorite is the glass basket with eggs. it all looks wonderful

Jan said...

Thank you for sharing these-I love them all!

photowannabe said...

So lovely Ginny. I just don't have the patience to decorate like you do.
the gnomes are so cute and love the glass bowl with the eggs a lot.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Cute Easter decor! I am glad you liked the silly statements I Posted hahaha. I have to have some fun always.

I dressed some of my Americna Girl dolls for Easter. I shed all their winter clothing although it is still chilly here.

Have a great rest of the week. Take care

Chatty Crone said...

I love the first little train especially. I bet the girls love coming over. Love your decorations!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your decorations are so pretty.

Mari said...

Aww - cuteness is all over your house!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I love all of your decorations -the polka dot bunny mugs are adorable, and I really like your white Keurig. I use a Keurig too! Happy Easter

Linda said...

I love it ALL!!! Glad you didn't leave any one of the photos out!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks for including them all.😊❤️

Red Rose Alley said...

Ginny, it's so nice to see all your Easter goodies around your house. That gnome riding the three chicks is just too cute. The wreath is pretty with the carrots, and I love that aqua car with the gnome sticking its head out of the window. That is darling. I've never seen a glass basket like that before, it's so unique and lovely. Your kitchen is so charming with some of the Pioneer Woman colors.

Happy Easter, dear Ginny. So glad we became blog friends. I truly do appreciate your friendship.


Jenny the Pirate said...

Well when it comes to your cute decorations, Ginny, the answer is don't leave anything out! I always love to see them, especially your coffee corner. The bunny and polka dot cups are too cute. Happy Happy Happy Easter! xoxo

LC said...

Such a dose of happiness! My fav is the wreath with the Easter bunny reclining with his carrots!

My Tata's Cottage said...

The cat looks so pretty all dressed up. Love the decorations. Rebekah never had time to get the Easter Village put up. She always does the best job. I should get some results from my mammogram by Wednesday. Happy Easter and thanks for always visiting.

DawnTreader said...

Easter gnomes is a new phenomenon for me! :o (Gnomes for me belong to the Christmas season...)
Love the egg-train, though!

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