Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Tulips

 I try to post this every spring. This house is a couple blocks away, and they have no lawn. Instead of grass, they planted bulbs all over their yard! True, no mowing. But it doesn't look that great in the other three seasons!


Hootin Anni said...

I imagine it's pretty in its own way other is in the eye of the beholder. Right now, everything is so colorful!!

Ann said...

I remember seeing this before. It does look nice now. I can't imagine going most of the year with no grass though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful. and easy to care for, no weeding or mowing. not sure how long tulips bloom, so wonder how long they will last

Rose said...

I would love to see it in real life.

Inger said...

Just lovely, it will cheer me up for the rest of the day.

Chatty Crone said...

Tulips are my favorite flower. I love it - but I have never seen that before - I bet it is not that pretty in the winter!!!!!!

Jeanette said...

Beautiful and good for them! They have a haven for birds and insects!!

George said...

I think I would take a no-mowing option if it was possible.

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Wow! That is beautiful. My oldest son has 6 acres, and it isn't so realistic for him to mow everything. He just moved into the house last fall and is working on his lawn around the house. He talked about trying wildflowers along the drive way when you first come in. The house sets way far back. He does have some daffodils this year.
I'd love to see the house there . If it's that pretty in a picture it must be amazing!

Rajani Rehana said...

Read my new post

photowannabe said...

I love gorgeous...

Ruth Hiebert said...

It sure is beautiful now.

Ida said...

What a charming looking home. The flowers are indeed gorgeous and colorful. I think though I would tend to agree that in spring it's glorious looking but perhaps a lawn would be nice too.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Gorgeous in spring!!!!

It would be wonderful, if they planted tulips in random spots, and summer flowers in other random spots, and fall flowers, in yet other random spots.

But that would have been an awful lot of trouble.

HappyK said...

So pretty. They must have been growing for years and years.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

In reply to your comment on my blog...

"Knives Out" is a film, which I got, from my Library System.

I've been getting library comedy movies, of late. It beats going up and down the tv menu, looking so _something_ to watch on tv. -smile-

I search lists of famous comedy films, and pick some.

Also watched "A Fish Called Wanda," an old but well know comedy. It was crrrrrazy!!!!!!!

Inger said...

Answering your question about how old is Faith, she's eight years old. And, Ginny, it was actually both at the top and the bottom of my post. Don't worry, that you missed it. It just made me giggle because I miss stuff all the time myself these days.

CheerfulMonk said...

Beautiful tulips! Here in the West more and more people will have to give up there lawns because of lack of water.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Glorious colour to lighten the heart. The answer to your question - look this link up

My Tata's Cottage said...

Pretty tulips. Some of ours came up but with this cold and wind they look a little sad.
You asked about our anniversary plans. We will go out to lunch because most of the weekend we are working aorund the house so come Tuesday, it will be a day of relaxation.
I agree with you when you posted at Andrea's about her aunt. So many people think they don't have to care for their parents in their golden years. I have a few friends moving into these overpriced senior homes Because their children are spoiled and selfish, which is so common in our world today. Two of your kids live with us and one son in law. So they know and it is in writing the 3 of them have to be responsible.
My friend who turns 93 next month told me a senior care independent living was $7000 down and $7000 a month! Are you kidding mw? If I had that kind of cash I would live in a palace! My friend has lived in her apartment since 1972 and these WOKE people want to get her out of there. She said one of her new neighbors put a black skull on the front door. She was so upset after seeing it but the apt. manager is another WOKE joke! UNprofessional is the word I think!
ANyway I talk too long. I hope your weekend is a great one.

Mari said...

Tulips are one of my favorites. Ours are all late this year because it's been so cold.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that's interesting. It's so nice to not have to mow as you get older. That's the one thing I like about living in the woods. But Yes, things get fuller and greener in the Spring/Summer, and that's when I'm out there weeding and sprucing up. The tulips really do look nice. It must be lovely to drive by this house in the Spring when the tulips are blossoming. The house looks big and charming.


DeniseinVA said...

It looks beautiful Ginny, at this time of the year when they are all in bloom.

Gayla said...

Wow! It is lovely in Spring, but I imagine it's pretty rough by Fall.

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