Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Meet

 Anne Marie runs Cross Country in high school. She had a big meet last week, along with several other schools. Phil & I went; it was our first meet ever! Lasted about five hours, as we had to wait for many events to start and end. We met with her parents and sibs there. Here is the pole vault.

And the Long Jump

Of course there was the usual injury.

The youngest, Jazz, took a good photo of her sister with Grandpa. She was so tickled that I let her use my camera.

I liked Dara's sandals.

And I spotted someone wearing these cool Crocs!

What is Jazz doing here with Grandpa?

She had spotted a large beetle on the walking path, and did not want anyone to step on it. So they got it on a leaf and moved it out of the way of the walkers.

Finally we spotted Ann down on the field!

By now, it was getting dark.

Unfortunately, in her last run, her ankle twisted. It was weak from being injured previously.

She looked to be in quite a bit of pain, but is fine now.

Time to cover up the equipment and head home, it had gotten quite chilly.

"Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally."

1 Corinthians 9



Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Thank you for your "sweet" comment on my blog, Ginny. I am so sorry for Anne Marie's twisted ankle - that can be so painful. I hope she has completely recovered ♥ Blessings to you ♥

Ann said...

Sounds like a fun day except for the part about Anne Marie twisting her ankle.
Dara's sandals are cute.

Hootin Anni said...

Awwww,too bad about her injury.

Nancy Chan said...

Good to know that Anne Marie's ankle is fine now. It is nice to join in the meet with your kids and grand kids.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My brother ran track and did pole vaulting. Ann Marie looks so happy in some of the photos. sorry for the sprain. yours girls are all 3 beautiful and so sweet.. glad you could attend

Chatty Crone said...

Andy was in track and boy did you bring some good memories back. I am glad you and Phil got to go. Sorry about the ankle.

Rose said...

I am glad Anne Marie is okay.

Linda said...

My, how your grands have grown!!! LOVE watching kids play sports!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

What a great day out, supporting one of your "Grands."

So sorry she got hurt though. Do hope she 'babies' it, for awhile.

Great blog look! Super even!

And the budding photographer did a great job! I see a starting camera, in her future. :-)))))))))

Gentle hugs,

The Feminine Energy said...

Isn't it glorious to see life returning to normal once again, Ginny? I love love love these pictures... and such a sunshiney-type day. Thank you for sharing them & I pray sweet Ann's ankle is all better now. She did indeed look like she was in a lot of pain! Ouch!! ~Andrea xoxo

Jeanette said...

Oo that does look painful! I would have moved the beetle too!

photowannabe said...

Beautiful granddaughters and I hope Ann's ankle is getting stronger now. Good for her running track.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny. I have always enjoyed going to track meets. It is so fun to watch all of the talented kids do their thing. Glad Anne Marie wasn't hurt bad. Great pictures a of good experience.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is enjoyable to watch the grandchildren participate. Thankfully her injury was not more serious.

Carla from The River said...

Your photos of the meet are fun Ginny, you captured expression well. I am glad to hear the injury was not serious, she does look in pain.
Hugs to all!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you could go and that Anne Marie is okay.

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos but so sorry about Ann Marie's ankle sprain. Those are horrible!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ah --too bad about her injury --but hope she is feeling better....

I rememeber sitting through LONG events when my kids were young... Not sure I'd want to do that again. My kids have asked me if I want to go to a baseball game ---and I've declined since those games are 4+ hours long and usually don't end until after my bedtime!!!!! ha


Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow I'll bet you slept good that night, Ginny! Lots of fresh air and excitement. So sorry Anne Marie's foot or ankle was injured. Our Stephanie has an old basketball injury that still weakens one ankle too. Those sandals and crocs are really cute! Looks like the crocs wearer had a few mosquito bites ... ugh! Isn't it early for that? They'll be coming for me next, haaha! xoxo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great shots. Love how you even caught the action in the first couple, and then the expression on Ann Marie's face. Hope her ankle feels all better by now.
Cure crocs and sandals.

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