Monday, May 15, 2023

Mother's Day 2023

 We had a nice Mother's Day! The family came over. Here I am with our son Mike.

And here are the three girls with me.

Jazz had on the cutest shoes. She told me they got them at Goodwill.

Jazz & her Dad.

Phil & Mike had some long talks.

The two youngest girls have been taking tennis lessons. Since Phil has not been able to play anymore due to his arthritis, he gave them his racquets and tennis bags. I must admit this was a sad moment for me. Phil always loved to play and has won many trophies. The end of an era I guess.

A rare photo of all three girls on their devices at the same time!

They brought me this huge hanging flower basket, so beautiful!

"Sweater, n.:  garment worn by a child when its mother is feeling chilly."

~Author unknown


roentare said...

Happy family together!

Ann said...

Sounds like a very nice day. That hanging basket is beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha on the sweater. my mother used to call me at 6 am and say put sweaters on the boys, its cold outside. I live 20 blocks from her, and I would say, Mother, I feel the same cold you do, no need to remind me. she kept doing it though. Love your flowers, I bought one for myself but it is 3 colors of rose moss better known as Purslane. by the first of the new year I am thinking you will be the shortest person in your family, your younger girls are growing by leaps and bounds. I wish i could have colors on my walls. bob has to have white. your living room looks so cheerful and happy

Mari said...

What a nice Mother's Day visit. The flower is beautiful!
I like those shoes, such a nice goodwill find. :)
Sad to pass on the tennis stuff, but I know Phil is happy it went to his loved family!

Chatty Crone said...

It looks like a wonderful Mother's Day. And all three girls there. I know what you mean by end of an era. Aging is hard! You have a wonderful family.

Jeanette said...

Looks like a nice Mother's Day!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Mother's Day dear Ginny!!
Love, Carla

photowannabe said...

Family and Mother's Day...the perfect combination for sure.
Love the flowers and the saying too..too true.

Heather Noire said...

Such a lovely way to celebrate Morther's Day. I am glad it was a happy occasion lovely photos.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day you had, Ginny! Those flowers look just like the hanging plant at Jess' house. Did you find a nice place to hang them? That's great that the girls are learning to play tennis. And awesome that Phil was so good at the sport back in the day. Jazz' shoes are cute. You can really find some cute things at Goodwill. It's fun to browse through the home items there.

Have a good week, Ginny. Love your pretty side bars, by the way.


HappyK said...

Sounds like a happy Mother's Day. :)

Tanya Breese said...

I am so happy you had such a great Mother’s Day! Love that hanging basket!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you could spend the day with your family. That means so much. ❤️

DawnTreader said...

Nice photos - and those girls do grow up so fast!!

Billie Jo said...

Happy Belated MOther's Day! What a lovely day with your family, and the hanging basket is AMAZING!

Jenny the Pirate said...

What an idyllic day, with your loved ones around you! And although I understand your sadness at Phil giving the girls his tennis gear, just think how much fun the tennis gear will have, being used for its intended purpose! The girls will bring it back to life. xoxo

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