Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Name This Plant

 I have quite a few pics of this one, which I will be posting next. And I wondered how many of you would recognize this common plant by a really close up shot. Do you know what it is?


Jan said...

Crape Myrtle?

Mari said...

I'll be waiting - I don't know! It doesn't look like something that grows in Mich.

Shug said...

Yes.....Crepe Myrtle. I have several and they are in full bloom. beautiful

Debby said...

I vote crepe Myrtle.

roentare said...

Crepe Myrtle seems to be the popular answer

Ann said...

I'm never very good at identifying things. I'll go with the popular vote of Crepe Myrtle.

MadSnapper said...

I did not Google, but it looks like crepe myrtle, and they are blooming down here. My uncles house in Savannah GA had dozens of the trees, he planted them down the median of the dirt road they lived on.. that was 70 years ago

Chatty Crone said...

I am so bad with plants - I have no idea. Can't wait to find out.

photowannabe said...

Yes, it looks like crepe myrtle to me too. They are blooming like crazy around here but ours is looking a bit tired. I think the Hot weather has fried it a bit.

HappyK said...

I didn't know what it was but others did. :)

CheerfulMonk said...

I had no idea. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. It is pretty!

It's 4 0"Clock Somewhere

 We have a lot of these Four 0"Clock bushes in the back and side of our house. They got their name because they do not open till around...